( I lured my sons into the garage to help me look for some long lost document with the promise of buried treasure.

We never found the document I was looking for. However, while sorting through some of my father’s old papers that were mixed up with mine, I came across something entitled “The Seven R’s Pledge.”

I don’t know who wrote it or from where it comes. It was just a Xeroxed piece of paper that my father had tucked away someplace and forgotten.

It also seemed to articulate rather well lessons I am trying to teach my sons.

It reads:

I will live the seven “R’s” in my daily life because I will shape history, I will decide the future and I will take my people to the victorious shores of our destiny.”

The pledge also has great resonance for adults. If time alone has not seen fit to provide essential wisdom, the pledge makes clear the nexus between virtue and happiness. The forward movement of our people to victorious shores requires strong families and strong communities and that requires strong faith. Our communities are safer, more productive and more joyful when we as individuals practice moral virtue.

Some will be quick to retort that morality has nothing to do with faith in God. However, the pledge requires a religious life for good reason. Morality emanates from an acknowledgment of an objective truth, that is to say a truth that is higher than man-made laws and higher than personal preference. It is a truth that is the same for all men everywhere no matter their race, class or time in history.

The R’s do not endorse a specific church or doctrine, but they do recognize the importance to civic life of certain universal principles that are also biblically based.

Contrary to what some would have us believe, the rights we claim are dependant not on government largesse, but on the recognition that those rights come from God. They are dependant on the recognition that with those rights come responsibilities. We have a responsibility to act with self-restraint so as not to infringe on the rights of others. We must, as the pledge suggests, respect the authority of our civil laws and civic leaders. We must pay our debts, delay gratification and contribute to — rather than take from — our communities.

I hung this pledge on the wall in my office as a constant reminder of the kind of man I continue to strive to become. My oldest boy recently asked if he could have a copy to hang on the wall in his bedroom. I gave it gladly. I hope it will serve as inspiration and a reminder that treasure isn’t always silver and gold. Sometimes it comes in the form of words written on plain white paper.