African Divination Complimentary Ways of Knowing.
November 19, 2019 by Staff
Filed under Africa, Health, News, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( “Spirituality centered wisdom stands for both justice and dignity and it cannot be trivialized. It emphasizes philosophies of connectedness, coexistence, belongingness, love, and compassion in education. In the light of this understanding of spirituality, the African renaissance and pedagogy should be grounded in spirituality centered wisdom, cultural identity and consciousness.. As asserted by […]
Profanity vs Profundity.
September 17, 2018 by Staff
Filed under Africa, Education, News, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( Profanity: showing no respect for a god or a religion, especially through language 2. an offensive or obscene word or phrase: Profundity: A statement or idea that shows great knowledge or insight. We find ourselves in a protracted life and death struggle grappling with a massive mind control and socialization infrastructure designed to destroy […]
What My Ghanaian Mom Taught Me About Love.
December 10, 2015 by Staff
Filed under Africa, News, Relationships, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( Growing up in a Ghanaian household usually means growing up with your typical Ghanaian mother: lovingly critical, instinctively nurturing, traditionally Christian in a very how-can-you-have-a-church-without-hymns way, opinionated in her ideas on culture, ethics, and morality – ideas always crisply illustrated with vivid anecdotes featuring some colorful character. This also usually means growing up […]
21 Years Later: Rwandan Cowards Still Live In Fear Of Paul Kagame.
November 21, 2015 by Staff
Filed under Africa, News, Politics, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( RWANDA. PRINCIPLES DO NOT ALWAYS WORK : HABYARIMANA’S BIGGEST MISTAKE. Prior to the arrival of Europeans, Rwanda was a feudal kingdom ruled by a Tutsi minority over a Hutu majority. Following the Berlin Conference of 1885 Rwanda came under the suzerainty of Germany which was, itself, replaced as colonial overlord following WW1, by […]
Shaking Hands With The Devil: What Is The Future Of Paul Kagame’s Friends.
November 19, 2015 by Staff
Filed under Africa, News, Politics, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( I was born in Rwanda but raised in exile as many Rwandan youths from my generation. We grew up hearing stories of how Paul Kagame used the likes of PASTEUR BIZIMUNGU and FAUSTIN TWAGIRAMUNGU(both being Highly Educated and Respected Hutu Intellectuals) to achieve his goal which is evidently none other than turning Rwanda […]
Ivory Coast Massacre: More Than 1,000 Killed…
April 15, 2011 by Staff
Filed under Africa, News, Politics, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( More than 1,000 civilians have been killed in a western Ivory Coast town, a Catholic charity said Saturday, adding that the mass killings happened in an area under the control of forces fighting to install the country’s internationally recognized president. The U.N. military spokesman said he had no information about mass killings in […]
Africa turns to cellphones for better health…
March 30, 2011 by Staff
Filed under Africa, News, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( JOHANNESBURG — The text message arrives with life-saving discretion: a neutral “see you at the clinic tomorrow” to remind patients to pick up a fresh batch of anti-AIDS drugs. The free texts from South Africa’s largest HIV treatment site are part of a push in Africa to boost health by targeting the continent’s […]
Egyptians Are Not My Brothers…
February 12, 2011 by Staff
Filed under Africa, News, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( I’m not buying the romanticism of sharing the pain of “fellow Africans.” But that doesn’t prevent me from sympathizing with their struggle. John McWhorter is not buying the romanticism of sharing the pain of “fellow Africans.” But that doesn’t prevent him from sympathizing with their struggle. Only now am I becoming able to […]
Will Egypt’s revolution have a domino effect in Africa?
February 11, 2011 by Staff
Filed under Africa, News, Politics, Weekly Columns
Tweet ( Amid two weeks of protests and labor strikes in Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak has finally resigned and the military now has taken control. Thousands of Egyptians are celebrating in the streets and the Egyptian Army is reportedly going to dismiss the rest of the cabinet. Some black writers have suggested African-Americans don’t have […]
Press Release; African Liberation Day…
Tweet ( The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) is hosting the 52nd Anniversary of African Liberation Day Between May 21, 2010 to May 31, 2010 at the following locations: Africa: Guinea Bissau, Ghana, Gambia, Senegal, Kenya, Zimbabwe Europe: London Caribbean: St. Thomas Canada: Toronto U.S.A.: Southern Region-Atlanta; Midwest Region-Illinois; Northeast Region-Washington DC; Western Region-California On […]