Make A Great First Impression: Simple Tweaks To Make To Your Office Before Potential Clients Arrive.

(Akiit.comWhen it comes to securing your first client, there are many steps you need to take. For starters, you need to impress with your business. Therefore, you need to make sure it’s up to scratch before you show your ideas to the potential client. Also, you need to take steps to get to know the potential customer. After all, building a relationship is the key to a long-term business arrangement with a customer. And you also need to impress when they come to see your business quarters. Even if you are a tiny business, you need to look professional to ensure they come on board. Therefore, here are some simple tweaks to make to your office before potential clients arrive so that you make a great first impression.

Give them the best parking spot

You should sort out the parking before the client arrives. For one thing, you should ask your staff to move their cars so that the best spot outside the office is free to the client. And then you should put some kind of sign with their name in the parking place. That way, they will feel like a VIP when they come to your office. And giving them special treatment is an excellent way to ensure you secure their business.

Ensure your staff are all dressed smart

To give the potential client a great first impression, you should make sure your team look professional. It’s more common these days for staff members to dress casually for work. But you should ask your staff members to dress appropriately when you have visitors to the office. After all, you want to ensure the potential clients leaves thinking you and your team will do a great job.

Add digital signage to your entrance

It’s also a good idea to look like you have invested money in the business. And one way you can do this is by investing in the latest technology for your business. For example, you might want to get great computers for your staff members. And invest in iPads which you can use to show things to your client. Also, you should consider looking into digital signage for your entrance. You can use the digital signage displays to welcome your client and also highlight facts about your business. For example, they can display all your achievements to date. It will leave a lasting good impression with the potential client.

Make sure the office is clean and tidy

Unless you want to give the client a poor first impression of your business, you need to ensure the office is nice and clean before they arrive. After all, they may doubt your professionalism if the floor is a mess. Therefore, spend time with your employees making the office look perfect. Ensure all food has been put away and take the bins out before they arrive. You might even want to get some scented candles so that the office smells great!

And don’t forget to make sure the meeting room looks fantastic. You should ensure the table is clean and the floor has been vacuumed to perfection. You should also put snacks out and drinks for the potential clients to consume during the meeting. And once they have sat down in your meeting room, here is how to give a memorable pitch to secure the customer.

Staff Writer; Paul Jones