Thursday, May 30, 2024

Obama’s speech seen by 38 million-plus viewers…

August 30, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Politics

Tweet ( NEW YORK, NY — Barack Obama’s audience for his acceptance speech likely topped 40 million people, and the Democratic gathering that nominated him was a more popular television event than any other political convention in history. More people watched Obama speak from a packed stadium in Denver on Thursday than watched the Olympics […]

Boys will be Boys–Sometimes, Men Will,Too…

August 26, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( I’d just lowered myself onto a stool at the counter and was reaching for a laminated breakfast menu when, from somewhere behind me, came: “…You remind me of the people who was against the Wright Brothers. Listen, they got this pill–I’m usin’ it.” Through the reflection of a shiny vintage toaster on the […]

How America Killed Us…

August 26, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( As a people, we have been dying since we came to this land and built it on our backs for free. Slavery gutted Africa, taking its most vibrant and vigorous men and women in childbearing years. It took or slaughtered young strong women and men. That completely destroyed the natural cycle of that […]

Poverty Still Missing from the Presidential Candidate’s Vocabulary on Katrina Third Anniversary…

August 26, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Presumptive presidential contender Barack Obama and Republican rival John McCain have made splashy, big media photo op visits to New Orleans and the Gulf Coast since the Katrina horror. Obama says he will push a sweeping and costly Katrina recovery plan. McCain, on the other hand, took some heat for voting against the […]

Race, Religion and Politics: Trying To Fix The Presidency…

August 21, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( The most interesting thing that one comes away with in the “made for television” civil discussion at Rick Warren’s church is that race escapes neither politics nor religion, and ageism doesn’t really play role in determining intellectual qualification of the Presidency. When it comes to Barack Obama, everybody has a call on what […]

The Magic of Black Men…

August 20, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( “The Impact of seeing positive Black Men” those prophetic words kept ringing in my consciousness as I drove home after completing my second basketball clinic in 3 days. Over a 3 day span I had the pleasure of interacting with 200 inner city youths, teaching, speaking, laughing and having an overall great experience. […]

The Intrinsic Value of Obama’s Nomination…?

August 19, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( And so here we are…fast approaching the Democratic National Convention. For the young people and those not intimately familiar with the inner-workings of the political machine; this is the moment when Senator Barack Obama “officially” begins his bid for the presidency of these United States. Everything up until now has been the pre-game […]

When Them That’s Got Are Black…

August 19, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Last week, I drew a picture of the fall of America’s so-called “Liberal Democracy,” which includes riots, specifically between the “haves” and the “have-nots.” In this nation, when any “haves” are African American, we know historically that white “have-nots” will start to lose their minds. American racism and elitism rear their ugly heads […]

Press Release: University Professor Offers 5 Timely Back-To-School Tips To Help College Students Make Top Grades…

August 17, 2008 by  
Filed under News, Press Releases

Tweet ( Albrightsville, PA – August has arrived, and in another week or two millions of college students will be heading towards their respective colleges. All have high expectations and aspirations of making good grades. Yet, many students will fail while others will barely make passing grades simply because they do not know what to […]

Tests That Can Save Your Life…

August 17, 2008 by  
Filed under Health, News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Health indicators consistently confirm that African Americans suffer disproportionately from leading diseases, as well as die earlier. In light of this, it is especially important for African Americans to get accustomed to having regular screenings and exams. In doing so, many conditions could be at the least caught earlier, and at best prevented. […]

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