Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Anatomy of Authentic Leadership…

April 18, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( In recent weeks, considerable turmoil has emerged among some elite members of the Civil Rights community. Publicly aired expressions germinating from PBS’s Tavis Smiley and the National Action Network’s President Rev. Al Sharpton, in which both parties have accused the other of working against the interests of the African-American community in an effort […]

Confederate Flap Reveals Republican’s True Colors…

April 13, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( It took me a minute to figure out why Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell looked so familiar. Then it hit me and I had to laugh out loud. Of course! The Southern governor who had just insulted African-Americans by proclaiming April to be “Confederate History Month,” is the same guy who tried to look […]

Crossing the Invisible Line…

April 13, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Whenever I return to the Washington, D.C. metro area for a visit, I always can tell when I’ve arrived – not by my surroundings – but by the behavior of the people there. Just like the Mason-Dixon, there’s an invisible line of disregard for each other that sets that region apart from anyplace […]

Fighting Words…

April 13, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( The biggest mistake is in believing there is one right way to listen, to talk, to have a conversation – or a relationship. –Deborah Tannen *Remember the communication model we learned about in high school? Well, it’s amazing how many people obviously ignored it, or just mentally went out to lunch during the […]

FrontGate – Furniture Sets, etc…

April 13, 2010 by  
Filed under News

Tweet ( Alittle down at this moment as one of my tarheels has decided to turn pro… Yes after being hurt for most of the year Ed Davis wants to get paid to play… Some say he shall be a lottery pick but I’m not so sure… Anyway I must look at some outdoor furniture, […]

Tea Party vs. black lawmakers: The N-word feud continues…

April 13, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Three Democratic congressmen — all black — say they heard racial slurs as they walked through thousands of angry protesters outside the U.S. Capitol. A white lawmaker says he heard the epithets too. Conservative activists say the lawmakers are lying. What does the video show? Not much. Indeed, new interviews show that a […]

American Conflicts…

April 4, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( The nation we live in is conflicted with itself. The conflict shows when we realize that the land was built on the backs of free African labor, while many so-called Americans hate both Africans and African Americans. The conflict also shows when we hear so-called Americans proclaim that America is a Christian nation, […]

Leading While Black and Driving Them Mad…

April 4, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( His presidency was historic. The challenges he has faced during his first year have been historic as well. But for this president the bigger the challenge, the bigger the victory. And President Obama scored the biggest victory last week when he signed into law healthcare reform that is as historic as his presidency. […]

21st Century Racism on College Campuses…

April 4, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Time For The Board of Regents To Step In At UCSD… For the past five weeks, one of the ugliest episodes of racism in recent years (before the Tea Partiers started spittin’ on people and calling congress people “Nig**rs” and “Fag**ts” at the congressional health care vote last weekend) has been playing out […]

A Toast to the Administrative State…

April 4, 2010 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( There was much laughter following the presidents signing of the health care bill. Democrats were positively giddy over having successfully secured America’s decline. There were fist bumps and back slapping; the champagne flowed. Democrats were not alone in their celebration. Republicans too shook hands with constituents and lapped up attention and praise for, […]

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