(Akiit.com) There she stood right beside her man: an attractive, God fearing and loyal middle aged woman holding the hand of her fallen pastor husband. He walked her out ever so gently–held her close, and kissed her lips for all to see as he ushered her back to her seat ...

(Akiit.com) Considering his controversial explosion onto the scene with N.W.A in 1988, Ice Cube is a far cry from his Straight Outta Compton days and even further away from where you imagined he’d be 20 years after his solo debut, Amerikkka’s Most Wanted. His ninth studio album, I Am The ...

(Akiit.com) WASHINGTON (AP) — A stopgap spending bill that’s needed to avert a government shutdown on Friday advanced in the Senate as lawmakers prepared to head for the exits for the midterm elections. The measure easily advanced, 83-15, Tuesday on a procedural vote that puts it on track to pass ...

(Akiit.com) What does one do with a woman who routinely obsesses about masturbation, drag queens, fetishes, Madonna and Britney Spears, nude sunbathing, psychics, freak dancing, and Lord of the Ring’s author J.R.R. Tolkien? Answer: You make them a Republican Senate candidate. The woman in question with the prurient interest in ...

(Akiit.com) News that Bethany Storro’s acid attack was indeed self-inflicted is beyond disturbing. It’s downright heartbreaking. And it’s not just because Storro is obviously sick. What many news reports are obscuring in the wake of confirmation that Storro’s previously reported August 30, 2010 acid attack in Vancouver, Washington is indeed ...

(Akiit.com) Congressional Democrats are confronting deep divisions within their nervous ranks over whether to support President Barack Obama’s plan to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans — or just punt the entire matter until after voters go to the polls Nov. 2. Democratic leaders committed to Obama’s proposal were hearing ...

(Akiit.com) A panel of medical experts said Tuesday that cough medicines like Robitussin and Nyquil should continue to be sold over-the-counter, despite increased abuse among teenagers that has prompted calls to restrict sales of the products. The Food and Drug Administration panel voted 15-9 against a proposal that would require ...

(Akiit.com) Tiger Woods’ failure to qualify for the FedExCup championship is a setback, for sure; but on the whole it looks as if divorce agrees with him… Divorce seems to agree with Tiger Woods. That’s not to suggest he faced a choice between regaining his game and restoring his marriage. ...

(Akiit.com) It’s time for us to stop getting hysterical about every slur launched at the president. Nobody’s vote is going to be changed by crazy theories and veiled racial comments… I presume we all agree that Newt Gingrich’s latest charge against our president is so absurd that it doesn’t even ...

(Akiit.com) Now that Reggie Bush has voluntarily returned his 2005 Heisman Trophy, the winds of honor, integrity and character are about to return to college athletics like manna from heaven and the Morgan State University Choir singing, “Ode to Joy.” Well, we’re waiting. Any day now, integrity in college sports ...