Hooray for Twitter’s Black Tilt…
May 27, 2011 by Staff
Filed under News, Weekly Columns
Tweet (Akiit.com) Just as African Americans have influenced language and style, they’ve “blackened up” Twitter — 140 snappy and irreverent characters at a time. Twitter’s black tilt is wonderful. The big story is not that it’s sketchy to even notice it. Nor is the big story that the general level of “blacktags” is not that […]
Does This Tweet Make Me Look Fat?
May 27, 2011 by Staff
Filed under News, Weekly Columns
Tweet (Akiit.com) Someone I’ve never met, yet continue to follow, keeps Tweeting about her White Whine anguish in a very bitter way. If Twitter is to be believed, she’s really pissed about being single (sweetheart, sarcasm is the garnish on your heartbreak entree) and finds her parents somewhat tiresome. I think she might also have […]
Changing the Subject: Where Are the Jobs?
May 27, 2011 by Staff
Filed under News, Weekly Columns
Tweet (Akiit.com) The Republicans, deeply dinged by a politically damaging foray in badly designed Medicare reform, are trying to shift the conversation to jobs. Based on my post yesterday on excess capacity in the job market, I’m all for that conversation. (Wow, Eric Cantor must be reading my blog…cool! Yo, Eric…whassup!?) But as Ezra Klein […]
Why we still have a lot to learn from the Freedom Riders…
May 27, 2011 by Staff
Filed under News, Weekly Columns
Tweet (Akiit.com) I’ve seen the grainy photographs of Emmett Till’s disfigured body. The accounts of the 14-year-old child’s lynching in Money, Mississippi sicken me to this day. I know well the story of Medgar Evers’ assassination and the decades-long crusade of his widow to bring his killer to justice. I am passing the final resting […]