Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Can the ‘GOP’ Party Be Saved?

January 24, 2021 by  
Filed under Health, News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( With the apparent defection of Mitch McConnell from the Trump camp, the Republican Party finds itself in a major identity crisis. Is it the older, reliably worthless Democrat Party of twenty years ago, or is it the party of Donald Trump? Does it go along to get along, or does it actually stand […]

Militant African-American Voices Silent.

January 24, 2021 by  
Filed under Education, News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( If you’ve ever wondered if there are fewer Black militant voices in the public square today, then you are not alone. My theory about the phenomenon is that young Blacks coming up today would much rather be an American Idol or a first-round draft pick than be the town radical. Fewer and fewer […]

Joe Biden’s Mask Mandate Retreat Is a Hopeful Sign.

January 21, 2021 by  
Filed under Health, News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( “If I’m your president,” Joe Biden promised at the Democratic National Convention last summer, “on day one we’ll have a national mask mandate.” Now that Biden is the president, his policy has changed from a general requirement to an executive order that applies only on federal property and interstate transportation. While supporters of […]

Americans remain convinced Donald Trump won.

January 21, 2021 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Tens of millions of Americans remain convinced that Trump won the recent election, as confirmed by polling. This reinforces President Trump’s statement earlier this month to the huge crowd of more than 250,000 supporters who filled the large space from the White House to the Washington Monument that “we won this election.” Last […]

Tech & Politics; Freedom of Speech Slipping Away.

January 21, 2021 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( As the new Biden-Harris administration assumes power, the most basic American freedom of speech and expression is under unprecedented threat. For the first time ever, I am concerned about my freedom to do my work, to run a policy institute addressing issues of culture, race and poverty from a conservative perspective. Technology — […]

Can Joe Biden Sec State Continue the ‘Tougher Approach’ on China?

January 21, 2021 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( President Joe Biden‘s incoming secretary of state, Antony Blinken, agrees former President Donald Trump’s administration got communist China right. During his Jan. 19 Senate confirmation hearing, Blinken told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “President Trump was right in taking a tougher approach to China. I disagree very much with the way that he […]