Friday, May 31, 2024

Is reparations possible? Yes!

February 22, 2022 by  
Filed under Education, News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( National Reparations Awareness Day is Feb. 25 and will be commemorated locally at the Center for Black Literature & Culture (virtually) in partnership with the local N’COBRA chapter. This annual observance started several years ago by the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) to bring additional focus to the cause […]

Mayor Eric Adams is Half Right.

February 22, 2022 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Sports, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( It is usually Republicans who blast the media for what they consider biased or unfair coverage of their policies, but increasingly we are hearing Democrats engaging in the same behavior, apparently frustrated their agenda is not being embraced by some of their fellow Democrats and the public. Last week, New York City Mayor […]

The End of COVID-19.

February 21, 2022 by  
Filed under Health, News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( We don’t want antifa and Black Lives Matter activists shutting down cities with riots, and we shouldn’t want truckers blockading roads either. In each case, as the rule of law is upheld, it is incumbent on those in power to also look at the root causes driving the unrest. American authorities seemed inclined […]

Coach Flores’ Lawsuit Presents NFL With “Opportunity To Engage In Substantive Change”.

February 21, 2022 by  
Filed under Money/Business, News, Politics, Sports, Weekly Columns

Tweet (  “More than half the players in the NFL are Black, and most coaches have played the game at some level. That would seem to be the perfect recipe for Black coaches to find success. But most NFL owners have been white men, and they have seldom been willing to let African Americans or […]

The State of Our Union Is Sorry.

February 21, 2022 by  
Filed under Health, Money/Business, News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( My son Cameron and I can hardly wait for President Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address. “What do you think he’s going to say on March 1, Dad?” he asked me earlier this week during our phone call. “That the State of the Union is …. very sad? Screwed? You finish the […]

A master class in the brilliance of James Baldwin.

February 18, 2022 by  
Filed under Education, Entertainment, News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( I found myself in a James Baldwin rabbit hole the other day. I’m not sure what caused me to watch a video of Baldwin, but I went there and couldn’t stop. His words are so relevant today. I was introduced to Baldwin’s work in college. I bought my son a biography of Baldwin […]

Dealing with entitled children.

February 18, 2022 by  
Filed under Education, Money/Business, News, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( As is the case with most Black children, I grew up poor. Well, “working class” is a more specific description. My parents were divorced when I was very young, and I spent roughly half my childhood in a so-called broken home. At times we were on food stamps — when they were actual […]

Freedom Is Worth the Effort.

February 17, 2022 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( The political world is mired in must-watch political theater in Canada, where the government announced this week that banks could freeze the personal and corporate accounts of those who they believe to be involved in the trucker protest without due process. In Washington, the Senate is debating whether to impose sanctions against Russia […]

Revolution Later.

February 17, 2022 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( There have been an abundance of essays of late about how we are to wage revolution in our comfortable society. All have been written by Woke Folk, I suspect. You would not expect such essays in praise of revolution from the Boy Scouts of America, much less from the Girl Scouts of America, […]

Stress Test for a Fading Superpower.

February 16, 2022 by  
Filed under Money/Business, News, Politics, Weekly Columns

Tweet ( Because America entered both world wars of the 20th century last, while all the other great powers bled one another, and because we outlasted the Soviet Empire in the Cold War, America emerged, in the term of President George H.W. Bush, as “the last superpower.” We had it all. We were the “indispensable […]

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