Thursday, July 25, 2024

Election Money

March 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Weekly Columns

On March 31, 2007, the first full quarter of fundraising will end for the announced 2008 Presidential candidates. Considering that the first primary is little less than a year away, this will be the first significant test of the 2008 Presidential candidates.

It is estimated by most election experts that it will take at least $500 million dollars to win the nomination and election. Think about it, half of a billion dollars to win a job that pays $400,000 per year. So as the day draws closer, be sure to recognize that all of these campaigns, both Democratic and Republican will be pushing to raise as much money as possible.

Quoting those most famous Black Philosophers, Gamble & Huff, as sung by the mighty O’Jays in their hit song, “For The Love of Money”, the rush by these candidates is all about that “lean, mean, mean green . . . Almighty dollar”.

My focus here is on the Democratic candidates (see full roster below). Clearly everyone will be eager to see the amounts Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have raised through this first quarter. Other key numbers to watch will be the amounts raised by fellow candidates, former Senator John Edwards (NC), Governor Bill Richardson (NM), and Senator Chris Dodd (CT). Money and viability will begin to take shape with the filing.

At this point, it is the cold hard cash that makes the heart of the Presidential candidate beat harder and stronger. This reality fuels the need to raise money, and not just from big money donors. There is a great effort by all of the campaigns to reach out to those small money donors, who have become an important resource in running a successful campaign. Before we begin casting any ballots, each candidate will be judged on their fundraising organizations and efforts. In 2008, the game has changed and our community has changed along with it. The members of our community are raising and giving money at numbers and levels probably never seen before.

Clearly with all of the issues confronting our community and our nation, it seems almost obscene that it will take this amount of money to win the White House. The simple fact is unless you are able to raise large amounts of money; you do not have a realistic shot of winning the nomination. The process is not going to change. The real question is to whom do you give your money and support? This is an issue each person or group in the community must decide. In 2008, no vote or group should be taken for granted. There are too many important issues facing our country and it is important to get involved in the process, not only with money, but also with your time and your ideas.

Sitting on the sidelines during Election 2008 is not an option.

Democratic Candidates (Alphabetical Order)
Joe Biden (DE)
Senator Hillary Clinton (NY)
Senator Chris Dodd (CT)
Former Senator John Edwards (NC)
Former Senator Mike Gravel (AK)
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH)
Senator Barack Obama (IL)
Governor Bill Richardson (NM)

By Leroy Jones, Jr.

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