Thursday, July 25, 2024

NAOMI CAMPBELL REPORTS FOR MOP DUTY IN STILLETOS: She ignores press while entering warehouse to begin community service.

March 20, 2007 by  
Filed under Entertainment

As expected, paparazzi was in place and waiting to capture images of supermodel Naomi Campbell Monday morning as she arrived at a Lower East Side Sanitation Department warehouse in New York to begin her community service.

Campbell rolled up to the Manhattan District 3 Garage at Pier 36 on the Hudson via black SUV and bypassed the assembled reporters, news cameras and photographers without saying a word. Her ensemble of black patent stiletto boots, dark shades, chocolate pants, black jacket and newsboy cap were accented by a pair of dark paratrooper work boots slung over her shoulder.

According to, the runway diva spent her first day cleaning offices and sweeping floors in the garage.  She also reportedly “chit-chatted” with fellow co-workers. She was not allowed a cell phone (by mandate of the court), nor was she allowed to smoke.      

Campbell has four more days of cleaning before completing her court-ordered punishment for throwing a cell phone at her housekeeper, Ana Scolavino. The 36-year-old was also ordered to attend a two-day anger management course and pay more than 350 dollars to cover Scolavino’s medical expenses over the March 2006 incident.

Unlike singer Boy George, who had to do community service outside in full view of the media, Naomi’s sentencing judge allowed her to be assigned to work indoors. The judge also granted Campbell’s request to delay her service until after several fashion shows.     

Last week, Campbell said she would auction off the jeans and boots she wears during her community service for charity.     

“It’ll go straight to the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund,” she said in a recent newspaper interview.

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