Monday, September 9, 2024

Black Is Beautiful – Again!

April 7, 2007 by  
Filed under Book Reviews

Frankfort, KY ( – During the Civil Rights struggle of the 1960’s, the pride of Black Americans was elevated when the Black Arts Movement popularized the slogan “black is beautify.” In his debut book of poetry, When Heaven Smiles (Awesome Records, $9.95, ISBN: 978-1-893680-09-8) author David Shabazz is laying the groundwork for that slogan’s return. When Heaven Smiles is a collection of poems dedicated to African American women. According to the author, the book was written to celebrate the beauty of black women and to pay tribute to them for their commitment to holding black families together.

“Black women have endured the hardship of slavery, racism, discrimination just as black men have but they have always remained steadfast about keeping the black family unit stable,” Shabazz said. “In recent times they have felt unwanted and unappreciated by the very men they love and prefer. This book is my way of saying ‘thank you’ to black women everywhere and to tell her that she is heaven-on-earth to a black man.” Shabazz says on a superficial level the book is praising the physical attributes of black women, but his real aim is to address the deeper issue of finding the beauty in being who you are as a person.

In stressing the need to show more appreciation for black women, Shabazz points to a recent study Black Males Left Behind which states that seven out of 10 black children are born out of wedlock. “This shows that we are having sex with black women and then leaving them behind to raise the children,” he said. “Since slavery everyone turned their back on the black man except the black woman. Disrespecting black women certainly didn’t start with us, but we can no longer perpetuate this travesty against the very person who has consistently and overwhelmingly remained loyal to black men.”

The book contains over 30 poems using a mixture of several different poetic styles combined with sensual photographs featuring model Cleney Taymil. Shabazz uses candor and simplicity to emphasize his love and appreciation for black women. When Heaven Smiles is currently available in perfect bound soft cover format.

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