Thursday, July 25, 2024

NAACP Launches “STOP” Campaign

April 24, 2007 by  
Filed under News

( The NAACP recognizes that when it comes to forming ideas and establishing norms, nothing is more influential than the images and concepts delivered into our lives on a daily basis by radio, television, film and the Internet. Those that are given access to the public through mainstream media must be put on notice that they have everything to lose by spewing racist ideas and rants. In addition, we equally recognize the need for balance within the African American community in regards to what music, film, and media we deem acceptable in our community.

The STOP Campaign is an initiative of the NAACP Youth & College Division that seeks to “STOP” the demeaning images of African Americans in the media, particularly with respect to the portrayal of African American women. Images reflected in songs like “I Was Getting Some…” and music videos that show half-dressed women being objectified by men.

In addition, due to the overwhelming number of racially disrespectful incidents that have occurred recently, the STOP Campaign is urgently necessary. Some of these recent incidents include:

    Don Imus, radio talk show host, referring to the Rutgers University’s Women’s Basketball Team as “nappy headed hoes”.

    Television actor Michael Richards goes on a tirade using the n-word at a comedy club in Los Angeles.

Racial incidents on college campuses such as Clemson University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Connecticut, University of Texas-Austin and Texas A&M University where white students dressed in stereotypical African American images and wore black face makeup.

There is no better time than today for us to call for a STOP in our community:

    STOP Defaming Our Women… by respecting all African American Women and not describing them in profane and derogatory terms

    STOP Degrading Our Community… by not supporting hurtful images that portray negative images of the African American community

    STOP Denigrating Our History… by not supporting words and media that diminishes our proud history and insults our ancestors

    STOP Accepting Disrespect… by not patronizing companies and artists that put forth demeaning and disrespectful images in our community

    START Standing Up… by standing up against anyone who diminishes the capacity of young people

    START the Diversity… by supporting balance and diversity of content in the entertainment industry to create positive role models for young people and by demanding more African Americans and other people of color in decision making positions in the entertainment industry

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