Press Release: Getting a Grip: Timelessness in a Temporary World
July 13, 2007 by Staff
Filed under Arts/Literature, Book Reviews, News
( Balancing Christian and spiritual living with being a black American in a world that seems to be falling backward in time instead of going forward?
In the mid-1980’s, I read a book by Charles R. Swindoll titled “Strengthening Your Grip: Essentials in an Aimless World.” That book taught me a lot, and stuck with me over the years; but as timeless as its truths were it was too “americana.” Swindoll told his stories from the only perspective that he could, a young white man growing up in America during the 50s-80s. Much of what he said, I couldn’t relate to because I grew up in a very different America between the 60s and 90s…however, the beauty of his words stayed with me.
Here we are in the new millennium and black people can’t stop using the word “racist” yet because time seems to have shifted in reverse. The attacks against blacks in America are not new, but they have been reinvented to be more appealing to a more open and diverse nation than we had 40 years ago.
It can be confusing trying to wheel and deal in today’s world, and still grip the principles of God-inspired living at the same time. We keep hearing “we are in the last days,” but until that happens, there is still much work to be done in the here and now.
One thing is certain: Black people will continue to get what they got if they keep doing what they are doing. Does the Word of God teach us how to do it right?
Certainly, it does.
In this book, I tackle the on-going problems of racism, black-on-black crime, and the failure of the black community to deal with our own issues in a manner that is decisive and effective “God’s way.”
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Latest Book Release Getting a Grip: Timelessness in a Temporary World
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