Wednesday, July 24, 2024

HEALTHY YOU! Are you up for the challenge?

June 16, 2008 by  
Filed under Health, News, Weekly Columns

( A peek into the lives of the rich, famous and infamous is intriguing, fun, and maybe just a little voyeuristic. We love living vicariously through celebrities, and are fascinated by every aspect of their lives.

The hair styles, the clothing choices, even the latest guy or gal escorting them on the red carpet. Heck, you may even visualize yourself walking the red carpet with your favorite star crush!

So what’s the draw? It’s that flawless physical appearance that exudes a seemingly perfect picture of health.

From Halle Berry’s post baby body, to those oh so scrumptious biceps of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, how do they pull it off? Aside from the additional paid help, what do they have that we don’t? Honestly, there is no magic spotlight that takes you from flab to fab.

According to published reports, celebrities work their posteriors to firmness the old fashioned way, through diet and exercise. Their careers and livelihood depend, in large part, on their looks.

Okay, so they can afford trainers and nutritionists to educate and guide them on how to diet and exercise. They get paid twenty gazillion dollars for their talents. Can you blame them for haulin’ it to the gym? But, did you know that you have access to the same health information that they receive?

Enter Healthy You! The time has come to turn the camera lens and make you the focus. Stop dreaming about the perfect you, and start working to make it a reality. Healthy You! can help. This column does the health research, talks with industry experts and then passes the information along to you, so that you can gradually incorporate healthy habits into your lifestyle. Learn how to make subtle changes in your life that will garner results to help you look and feel your healthy best.

According to the Center for Disease Control, when assessing the health issue one must look at all variables and try to figure out how to obtain a healthier lifestyle based on your reality.

So, what’s your reality? Too busy, too tired, too hard, can’t afford the gym membership fees? Or, do you suffer from the start tomorrow syndrome even with a gym membership and access to trainers? Whatever the issue, it’s your daily schedule that ultimately dictates your approach to obtaining a healthier way of living.

Healthy You! is your starting point. Physical appearance is important, but being healthy means looking and feeling good from the inside out! Healthy You! explores how genetics impact your health, the importance of being sexually responsible, and how diet and exercise can help you to improve emotionally, physically and psychologically. The goal – a healthy, happy more confident you!

Visualizing the new you is the easy part. The tough part is taking the first steps. So, are you up for the challenge? Don’t fret! The good news is that you can start small. Incorporate fruit into your diet, or cut back on carbonated drinks. Increasing physical activity in increments can also assist in your transition to a healthier lifestyle. Add a morning or evening walk to your routine or, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Carve a little time out of your day to meditate – – replenish the soul.

Set realistic goals. It is very important that the decision to change your lifestyle is a decision made solely by you and for you. Develop a plan to achieve your goals based on your lifestyle and implement the plan on timetable that works for you. Remember, consistency matters. Share your plan with your physician to be absolutely certain that your goals and the time table set forth to achieve those goals are realistic. Your physician may recommend a physical prior to implementing your new health regimen.

Making a decision to be your healthy best is a personal journey. I will share my journey with you, and hope that you will do the same. Your story might just inspire fellow readers. Visualizing your ideal image, in my opinion, means spending a little time exploring the inner you. It is also understanding to what level, or degree of healthy equates to happiness in your life. So what are you waiting for? The only thing at stake is YOUR ideal positive self-image and, that walk on the red carpet. Healthy You … capture it!

My greatest joy is my two-year old ‘hand full’ of a son Caleb W. Cox. He inspires me to be better in every aspect of my life. He is my reason for writing this column. I love you sweetheart. I thank God that you chose me!” Mommy

Written By Tibberly G. Ríchard

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