Wednesday, July 24, 2024

10 Tips For Black Job Seekers…

April 23, 2009 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns


1) Tighten up your resume. Make sure to correct all typos, and limit it to just one page. Also, don’t mention any work experience from more than 10 years ago – unless its really relevant.

2) Don’t overdress. When you go to a job interview, dress modestly and go easy on the cologne or perfume. Remember, it’s you and your skills that they are interested in – not your fashion style.

3) Sign up on Free to use, this web site was created for African American professionals. It features thousands of well-paying job opportunities from major employers and recruiters, and allows you to profile yourself in front of them.

4) Ask around. There’s always someone who knows someone who’s hiring. Don’t be afraid to call or email your friends and family, and let them know you’re looking for a job.

5) Check the obituaries. This may sound funny, but the local obituaries will always tell you where the deceased person last worked. Obviously, there is a new position open.

6) Start with an internship. If you’re a high school or college student, the best way to get in the door is often through an internship program. Check with your school’s career center office.

7) Work for the government. Many people only want to work for major corporations. However, federal, state, county and city governments are always hiring and usually offer good perks. Use Google to find their web sites, and start applying.

8) Send a “thank you” card. During your job interview, be sure to get the business card of the person who interviewed you. It’s in your best interested to send them a “thank you” note or card. Don’t email it; Send it via postal mail within 1-2 days.

9) Check Black magazines. Many Black magazines often feature ads from employers and recruiters who are looking to hire African Americans. Such include Black Enterprise, Black Collegian, Savoy Professional, Black EOE Journal, Black MBA Magazine, HBCU Connect, and even Diversity Inc.

10) Be persistent. Success comes to those who don’t give up. There are jobs out there. You will find one soon. Just don’t quit.

Written By Dante Lee

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