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Press Release; Minority Company Selected as Key – Exhibitor at the USPTO Trademark Expo…

April 28, 2009 by  
Filed under Money/Business, News, Press Releases

( Miami, FL – The Pepsom Group, Inc., a minority certified company, is pleased to announce its selection as a Key exhibitor by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to be one of sixteen exhibitors at the 2009 National Trademark Expo to be held May 8-9th. The event will take place at the USPTO headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. The Pepsom Group was the surprise selection, as it is a relatively new company in contrast to the other elite exhibitors such as Burberry, Bridgestone, Hershey Company, UPS, U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Department of Energy – all collectively chosen to educate the public about the role of trademarks in our society.

The Pepsom Group founded by John E. Brown III, an African American, and Miyako Haag, an Asian American, has transformed an age-old remedy, Epsom salt, into Pepsom – “New Generation of Epsom Salt™” The USPTO chose the Pepsom Group because of the innovative way branding was used for this retail product. The product is now available in over 15,000 retail locations including Walgreens, Kroger, Bed Bath & Beyond and Piggly-Wiggly just to name a few. The unique brand name “Pepsom”, and dynamic bright packaging jump out at the consumers next to regular Epsom salt in a normally staid first aid section in both food and drug stores. By changing the way people think about Epsom salt, Pepsom products now provide people of all ages with an excellent way to not only soothe away aches and pain, but also to relieve stress. Currently, used by several professional sports teams, now baby boomers, Weekend Warriors, as well as the general public will experience the benefits that Pepsom Sports® and Pepsom Salt® brands provide. Pepsom is an American-made product with 100% natural ingredients, a “green” blend (safe for the environment).

Several of our trademarks include:

Pepsom Sports®, the Original Sports Soak™ (formulated for relief of muscle soreness and joint pain commonly associated with sports related activities). Proudly endorsed by the National Basketball Athletic Trainers Association (NBATA™), the wintergreen and spearmint blends add soothing properties to an already known remedy.

Pepsom Salt®, The Epsom with Pep® Approved both as a soaking aid for pain relief as well as a safe and natural saline laxative, just like regular Epsom salt. The peppermint blend refreshes both externally as a soaking aid, and internally if used as a laxative.

Thrilled about the USPTO honor, Pepsom’s CFO said, “Pepsom is the American dream in Technicolor and eventually a Harvard Business School case study.”

Come join the Pepsom Group and the other world-renowned exhibitors for this exciting two-day event at the USPTO National Trademark Expo. The Expo will be held at 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, Virginia and is free to the public. Hours are May 8th from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and May 9th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and free parking is available on Saturday.

Miya Haag
Phone: 305-576-6670

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