Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Press Release; African Liberation Day…

May 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Africa, News

( The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) is hosting the 52nd Anniversary of African Liberation Day
Between May 21, 2010 to May 31, 2010 at the following locations:

Africa: Guinea Bissau, Ghana, Gambia, Senegal, Kenya, Zimbabwe
Europe: London
Caribbean: St. Thomas
Canada: Toronto
U.S.A.: Southern Region-Atlanta; Midwest Region-Illinois;
Northeast Region-Washington DC; Western Region-California

On behalf of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) and its women’s wing, the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union (A-AWRU), we are issuing this press release to announce the commemoration of African Liberation Day (ALD), 2010.

African Liberation Day was first observed In 1958 on the occasion of the First Conference of Independent African States held in Accra, Ghana. At that time, the 15th of April was declared Africa Freedom Day, “ symbolize the determination of the people of Africa to free themselves from foreign domination and exploitation”. Later in 1963, upon the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), 31 Heads of African states declared May 25th as African Liberation Day. This important, historic event has been observed and institutionalized in various places worldwide, every year since its inception.

African Liberation Day provides a forum for us to become more aware of the history and current reality of Africa, and the world. It is a chance to hear directly from women, men and youth who are on the frontline of struggle for Pan-Africanism, and other struggles for justice. It allows us to engage interactively with others who are dedicated and committed to the creation of Pan-Africanism.

The program will feature dynamic panel presentations, cultural performances, solidarity statements, vendors, food, leaflets and a rare opportunity to build and strengthen the international Pan-African network of organizations.

This year’s ALD theme is “Celebrating African Women’s Contribution to African Liberation and Unity“. Historically, African women have played a crucial role in the struggle against oppression. They have actively fought for justice for African women, their families and their nation. We will salute the countless women who participated in the defeat of colonialism and slavery; who continue to struggle against marginalization and all forms of oppression. We will celebrate the sacrifice, the fortitude and the determination of African women, wherever in the world we were born or live.

We urge you to join us at this historic event. For further information about ALD commemorations being organized by the AAPRP in Africa, Europe and the United States please,

visit our websites at:

See us on facebook at:

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