(Akiit.com) It is safe to state that America has become an empire that is crumbling day by day and is becoming inundated with widespread hate and fear and maladjustment to suffering and injustices. Right and left-wing cable chatter has galvanized a multitude of individuals to act in a way that ...

(Akiit.com) Prophetic voices point us to the future by causing us to remember and consider the cornerstone truths of our past — lessons learned though struggle and adversity, conquest and success, tragedy and pain, victory and gain — all providing guidance to the Promised Land and the fulfillment of our ...

(Akiit.com) Banning menthol cigarettes, which 80 percent of African-American smokers prefer, won’t make folks quit… As with virtually every other African-American smoker I know, the only acceptable brands of cigarettes for me came in green-and-white packs. If you didn’t puff Salems — my cancer sticks of choice — you probably ...

(Akiit.com) It’s time to stop being sorry all the time and start rejecting meaningless apologies… If you have to ask for an apology, you probably don’t deserve one. Whether it’s Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni, asking sexual-harassment whistle blower Anita Hill to apologize for what she did to her husband, ...

(Akiit.com) NPR axed the news analyst because he broke one of our tribal strictures: Thou shalt not stereotype minorities… It’s as if Juan Williams were a man in a small rain forest tribe and he called out a taboo name for a spirit. Or a lion. Or said the name ...

(Akiit.com) The Haitian people’s will to survive, and thrive, is mighty. It’s time for black Americans to spread some love to our Caribbean cousins — love that can be felt in tangible ways. I’ve always admired the haunting beauty and sad grace of Gabriel García Márquez’s novel Love in the ...

(Akiit.com) Does the Tea Party hate Muslims? You betcha. And certainly if they are not actually anti-Arab Islamophobes, then they are doing nothing to challenge this portrayal of themselves as religious bigots, not to mention racists. Judson Phillips, the founder of the Tea Party Nation, does not mince words when ...

(Akiit.com) It was a surreal scene at the Sacramento press conference called by Bishop Ron Allen and a host of other black ministers and faith leaders last July. They blasted the California NAACP for very publicly and vigorously calling for passage of Proposition 19. The initiative would legalize marijuana possession, ...

(Akiit.com) This was a good season for education. NBC launched “Education Nation,” its intensive, ongoing coverage of education in America. Speaking before a Texas audience, President Obama called education “the economic issue of our time,” and said that he was absolutely committed to making sure that “here in America…nobody is ...

(Akiit.com) All by-products of African-American ingenuity, Negro spirituals, blues and jazz were created to help African Americans maintain a sense of internal calmness and hope during strife; cultivate, embrace and express individuality; and serve as living connections to and trophies of cultural history, knowledge and heritage. In spite of all ...