Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Black Artist Uses International Experiences To Create “Ole Skool Ebony Art”…

December 11, 2011 by  
Filed under News, Weekly Columns

( Timothy “Tim” Giles grew up in Suffolk, Virginia where he chose to illustrate many of his life experiences through his art. Tim’s mother was his role model who always provided the best love, guidance and direction that any single parent household would want. His mother stressed two things to him when growing up; education and actualizing the hope of brothers and sisters who paved the way before him. Success, she told him, was as relevant as the work that you give back to the community. The quote that she instilled in all her children was “a closed fist can neither receive nor give.”

Tim often gives accolades to his mother because she has always been a very strong African American woman and an encouraging and supportive mother. His mother saw something very special in him, specifically in his love for drawing. To encourage him, she provided him with his first paint by numbers set which sparked his passion to pursue art! With no formal training, Tim is a self-taught artist.

Working with Diplomatic status as a Facility Manager for the Department of State granted Tim the opportunity to live in several countries. He spent the majority of his career in thirty plus countries on the continent of Africa. Tim often gives thanks to God for giving him a career that allowed him to fulfill a lifelong dream of traveling the globe. He has traveled to over one hundred countries; not bad for a “country boy” from Suffolk, Virginia, as he often says. Living overseas allowed him to express his love for culture by placing it on canvas.

Tim decided he should pursue his artwork even further by turning his passion into a business. He started an online company, Tim Giles Afro Arts and Crafts, LLC that features all of his artwork in the form of originals, prints and greeting cards. His most recent accomplishment was the self-publication of his first book entitled, “Humble Beginnings: An Expression of my Journey through Paintings and Poems”. The book consists of his artwork and his original poems which relates to each piece of his artwork.

He comments, “You will be immersed by the content because the paintings are captivating and the poems are informative and relative!” Tim is fulfilling his mother’s vision of giving back and he is doing so through his art. He often encourages and mentors both young folk and adults about the journey and the possibilities in the world. Tim has made his momma proud!

Visit Tim’s website at for additional information.

Via AP

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