Tuesday, July 23, 2024

It’s Not Too Late!

March 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Health, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) During a radio interview, a caller asked me if it was too late – in her forties – to change careers and pursue something for which she is passionate. “It’s never too late,” I told her. “If you feel led in a new direction, make a plan to transition and go for it!” Her call came as no surprise. Many of you – some in your twenties, others in your sixties – have sent me emails wondering if it’s too late to make a change – too late to change jobs, save a relationship or plan for retirement.

This week, I challenge you to let go of the idea that it’s too late to change the course of your life. In a world that pressures us to believe everything must happen in a compressed time frame, it can feel as though it is “against the rules” to follow a path that is outside the norm. It can especially feel like it is unacceptable to change your mind about what you want in life. But often, God will lead you in a new direction once you’ve learned all that you were supposed to learn at a particular stage in your life.

What have you previously decided it was too late for you to do? Is it time to reconsider? Let this message rekindle your desire for change. Give yourself permission to dream a bigger dream and walk a divinely-inspired path that is uniquely your own.

It’s not too late to try something new. In fact, life becomes stagnant when you get stuck in a rut. It’s tempting to give up on the idea that you could have what you really want in your life, but you don’t have to give in to that temptation. Your journey becomes richer and more joyful when you remain open to your possibilities. Here are a few things it’s not too late for you to do. Print it out and add a few items of your own if you wish.

It’s not too late for you to:

Change careers.
Go back to school.
Fall in love.
Apologize to someone you hurt.
Forgive someone who hurt you.
Plan a trip to your dream destination.
Have children (even if it’s biologically impossible, the child you were meant to raise may be waiting to be adopted by you.)
Start saving for retirement.
Get fit.
Start taking better care of yourself.
Turn your finances around.
Deepen your relationship with God.
Change your attitude or your perspective on life.

Written by Valorie Burton

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