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Reasons to Do a High School Science Project.

December 24, 2015 by  
Filed under Education, News, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) High school students have a lot of time on their hands. Reminds me of when I was one. I used to do my essays for my school work during my free time; other times look into various out of class projects. Have you ever wondered why you should pursue your engineering, science or mathematics project in high school? The answer lies in giving you a unique learning experience while at the same time giving offering you a chance to do more when you enter a project into one or more competitions. Some major reasons for doing a high school project are outlined in this article.

First and foremost, succeeding in a high school competition creates a point of differentiation and distinction on college applications. Projects give your college application an x-factor. For example, in 2005, the finalists of the Intel Science Talent Search ended up attending the following colleges: 10 went to Harvard, 4 to MIT, 6 to Princeton, 4 to Caltech, two for each Stanford, Cornell, and SUNY, while Duke, Yale, Columbia, UC Berkeley, Arizona, Johns Hopkins, Wesleyan each got one. Officers in colleges know that students who participate in these competitions have extra skills that set them apart from their peers.

Another reason you should think about pursuing a high school project is that along the way, you are bound to meet with other students who share your interests. An opportunity opens up to meet and spend time with students who have similar interests as you.

The third reason you should do a project is to win a scholarship. The Intel International & Engineering Fair (IIEF) hands out $4M in awards and scholarships every year. The Intel Science Talent Search(STS) gives out awards and scholarships worth $1M. The Siemens Competition hands out a top award worth $100,000 and over $600,000 in scholarships.

Also, participating in a science competition helps a student win other merit awards and scholarships. Much like the college admissions, it creates a point of distinction for a merit scholarship application.

Another reason you should go on and do a project is because it is fun. Attending the science fairs and competitions can be sometimes cooler than you think!

The sixth reason you should do a project is that it brings a lot of new things to learn. Students carrying out various projects get advanced skills in some areas that are usable in college and even beyond college. Students learn writing skills, planning and time management skills, research skills, such as statistics and scientific methods, presentation, and communication skills.

Again, students can get acknowledgment and recognition. Students that are excited by engineering, maths, and science get recognition and acknowledgment from science competitions.

Doing a high school project can also give you some time off of school. For the more than 1000 students who qualify for the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF), they get a week from school, with a trip that is all-expense-paid to the competition.

Finally, entering a science competition with your project gives you that Rock Star-ish feeling. A Siemens competition finalist said that it is like being a rock star except that it is in science.

The key to being a successful student include: having an original project, having a mentor, having the support of parents, and hard work.

Staff Writer; Craig Love

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