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The Awe-some Greatness of God – Give Him Praise.

January 24, 2016 by  
Filed under News, Religion, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) The Greatness of God is beyond the intellectual capacity of man to comprehend, and any attempt to define His greatness is an exercise in futility.

He has been described as omnipotent, omnipresent, the greatest, most awesome, powerful, glorious, loving being known or unknown to man,” and perhaps every other word or expression that might convey His greatness, but it all falls short?

Can anyone comprehend the One who knows the nucleus of every atom, the number of grains of sand upon the earth, the One who knows all the stars and calls them by name?

Is it possible to grasp the magnitude of the One who spoke and the 2016-god-is-to-know-his-worduniverse was created, the suns began to circle their planets, plant and animal life came into being, and mankind was created?

How is it possible to measure and put into words the One that knew each and every human being before the earth was created; the One who sees every sparrow that falls, knows your every thought, and the number of hairs in your head.

Who can understand eternity? What was before the beginning of eternity? He was. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty,” (Rev 1:8).

He is amazing, indescribable, incomparable, and yet there are not enough words.

If God had not introduced Himself, man may have never known of His existence, because apart from God’s self-disclosure, man could not have recognized Him.

Although it is impossible to fathom the greatness of God, because He reveals Himself through His Word, we can truly know Him.

And if there is one word in all of Scripture that best describes our “Great and Mighty God,” it is the word, “Love,” “God is love.”
(1 John 4:8).

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends,” (John 15:13).

God sent His only Son “Jesus,” to give His life for us. He places His Spirit within everyone who accepts Him as Lord and Savior, thereby restoring the oneness of God and man that had been destroyed by the sins of Adam and Eve.

Gods Plan of Salvation makes it possible for all who will accept Him as their Savior,  to spend eternity with Him, (John 3:16). Doesn’t it make you want to shout!!

Even though it is impossible to aptly express the Greatness of God, we can know Him, and like the psalmist, we can say,

“… What god is great like our God?” (Psa 77:13)

Columnist; Samuel L. Mills

Official website; http://www.trusting-in-jesus.com/

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