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Everything You Need to Know About Secured Loans.

March 2, 2016 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) If you’re thinking about taking out a secured loan, there are some things that you should understand first of all. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this kind of loan.

What is a Secured Loan?

A secured loan is a type of loan that is secured against an asset. This can be your car, but it is usually your home. The fact that the lender has this collateral to fall back on means that they are more likely to take risks and not worry about credit ratings. Anyone who is a homeowner can get access to this kind of loan. Personal circumstances and the value of the home will all be taken into consideration.

The Collateral

As I mentioned above, the collateral is the asset that the loan is secured against. Smaller loans can be taken out against your car. But if you want to borrow more money, it will be necessary to use your home as collateral. There is no way to get a secured loan without having something that can be used as collateral. You will also need to think about the implications of using your home or car as collateral.Mature couple preparing to sign loan contract

The Amount

The amount of money you can borrow depends on a number of factors, but the range is usually pretty broad. You can borrow as much as your home is worth in most cases. And you can borrow as little as you like. When you are taking out homeowner loans of this kind, it makes more sense to borrow more. If you don’t need to borrow a large sum of money, then this might not be the best loan option for you.

The Requirements

So, what requirements do you need to meet to get a loan like this? First of all, you need to own your home. You also need to meet the specific criteria outlined by the particular lender. This is something that will vary from lender to lender, so it makes sense to do your research first. You won’t have to have a particularly good credit rating though. These loans are great for people with bad credit ratings.

The Repayment Period

One of the best things about secured loans is that they have long repayment periods in most cases. This means that you won’t be pressured into making repayments quickly to pay off the debt. Instead, you will be given enough time to pay the money back slowly. This is ideal for people who want to be able to take their time with the repayments. This also means that each repayment will be pretty small.

The Consequences of Not Repaying

There are some major consequences of not making those repayments though. Because the loan is secured against your home, you have to accept the fact that it can be repossessed. If you don’t make the repayments, the creditor will be within its rights to take the home if you don’t pay up. This is a big risk and one that you should take into consideration before taking this option up.

Staff Writer; Latasha Moore

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