What’s The Difference Between Sunni And Shia Islam?
March 8, 2016 by Staff
Filed under Politics, Religion, Weekly Columns
(Akiit.com) Most people do not understand the differences between Sunni and Shia Islam. For that reason, we wanted to set the record straight today by presenting you with some excellent information. We’ll try to keep things as simple as possible because there is no need to overcomplicate the situation. Also, we hope this new understanding will help readers to make better judgements on world events. Unless you grasp the variations between Sunni and Shia Islam, it’s difficult to assess the situation in the Middle East today.
Sunni Islam
The split in Islam occurred more than 1,400 years ago after the death of the prophet Muhammad. He died without appointing a successor, and Sunnis believe his advisor Abu Bakr was the rightful Caliph. Abu Bakr maintained the title until his death, and the split became more entrenched. Sunni Muslims stay close to the original Qur’anic interpretation of the religion. That means they still believe that beheading is an acceptable practice, and Jihad is a requirement sent down from Allah. Most suspected Middle Eastern terrorists will come from the Sunni sect. The most prominent Sunni nations include Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iraq. However, all those countries also have minority Shia populations.
Shia Islam
When the prophet Muhammad died, the Shia sect believed his cousin and was the rightful successor. Ali was finally chosen as Caliph by Shia Muslims after two other rulers were assassinated. Most Shias believe the bloodline of Muhammad continues to this very day. Indeed, clerics who are determined to be direct descendants of the profit wear special black turbans in countries like Iran. Their current Ayatollah is certainly no exception. On the whole, Shia Muslims are forward-thinking and progressive. That is why Iran has become one of the most technologically advanced nations in the Middle East.
How do the differences affect Western policy?
When Mark Dubowitz and Barack Obama created the Iranian nuclear deal, they considered Islamic beliefs. Iran is one of the only Shia nations in the world, and that helps experts to understand their ethos. For example, Shia Muslims who stay faithful to their religion will never incite violence upon others. They will also never start a conflict or war for their personal gain. That is highlighted by the fact that Iran hasn’t invaded a single country for more than 200 years.
On the other hand, the Islamic State is a primarily Sunni outfit. They believe it is okay to murder anyone who doesn’t follow their strict ideals because they interpret the Quran literally. While Saudi Arabia is a Sunni nation, it’s different to many of the others in the Middle East. That is because the Saudi Royal Family ensure a healthy balance is maintained in their territory. The same isn’t true when it comes to places like Iraq or Jordan where the leaders use the Quran to justify all manner of evils.
As all readers should now understand, it’s vital to grasp the differences between Sunni and Shia Islam. It stops the persecution, but it should also help governments to make better decisions. Shia Muslims are much less likely to enter into a conflict when they are alternative actions. However, most Sunnis would see any attack on their countries as a direct attack on Allah. So, people have to tread a little more carefully.
Staff Writer; Roy Washington