Sunday, September 8, 2024

Today’s Entrepreneur – Clark Ulysse – ChuArts LLC.

May 25, 2016 by  
Filed under Money/Business, News, Press Releases, Weekly Columns

( My spotlight this month will be on Clark Ulysse CEO of ChuArts™ LLC.   The objective is simple, showcase minority entrepreneurs and increase readership and attract diverse advertisers in the areas of banking, equity partners, angels and more. In addition the articles may provide creative solutions to help you find your way out an economic crisis.

Clark has been inventing for as long as I can remember.  Since 1996 he has shared his inventions with me and today I really think he has hit the trifecta.  His passion and tenacity are second to none. He is like a pit bull defending his turf when it comes to getting his products to market. As a former cable television producer of the Everyday Entrepreneur weekly cable show Clark was privileged to meet with some of the top businesses executives in the Great Lakes region.  Clark said he started his Everyday Entrepreneur show out of need.  He stated every time he wanted to get information for his new products people were always asking him for a monetary retainer or up- front deposits which delayed his progress.  So in a way the show solved two problems.  It helped him get his answers while at the same time allowed the shows guests to speak about 2016-Entrepreneurtheir companies.  It was a win/win for both parties.

From that experience Clark was able to produce a book on Minnesota Entrepreneurs. Today Clark holds many patents and is really excited about his most recent development. You might say patience has paid off in DIAMONDS for Clark this time.  His most recent patent pending design concept was called by his patent attorney as “one in a million”.  I have seen his work and seeing- is-believing.  His designs are actually one-of-a-kind works of art that set him apart from all others.

Clark has now placed his designs on items such as sneakers, apparel, household items, throw blankets and more.

The Company – ChuArts™ LLC Minneapolis, MN

As a serial entrepreneur Clark began to create things early in life.  As a former New Yorker, Clark would hustle his way through Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, upstate or where he had to go.  He took his passion for design and started by putting his graphics on hats, T-shirts and jackets.  He has continued his passion, which ultimately lead him to the creation of his new company ChuArts™ LLC.  Today he has picture frames, toys, gadgets, apparel, art, sneakers and all types of cool stuff that you have to see to appreciate.  Clark understands that the best way to have a meaningful piece of the pie is to own your own company.  Clark is NOT conventional by any stretch of the imagination. He is the social, enterprising, individual that many of us wish we could be. When you have your own patent and own your ideas your options are unlimited.

His ultimate goal is to take his designs and put them into textiles so he can have his own line of bed linens, pillow cases, curtains, drapes, upholstery, apparel and so much more.

Starting a company for anyone is difficult at best but it is especially difficult for minority owned businesses.  Once you have your product and branding, finding your niche within an industry becomes the next agenda.  Who are your customers?  Which of your products do they like best?  Clark fully understands that minority owned companies are not limited to one demographic as their customer base. With an internet based business anyone can purchase your product from anywhere in the world.  If you really have a hit, then stores may want to retail the product in their establishments.  If consumers truly love your idea then they will buy it and stores will ask you if they can retail your products.

Strengths – The strengths of ChuArts™ LLC is the patent pending design process.  Since no one can duplicate the design without copying the original you can trust you have a unique design.
It cannot be painted or done by hand.  Each design is truly a unique work of art.  Once it is made the design cannot be reused.  This is what sets ChuArts™ LLC apart from any other company.  The designs can then be made into bolts of material that can be used to create upholstery for homes, automotive, boating, recreational vehicles, apparel, sneakers, poster, canvas art, men and women accessories and so much more.  .  FUBU and PHAT PHARM, got started with an idea and a logo.  Clark has more design options and has done his homework on the logo.  He can become the 21st century Urban Art avant-garde if he wanted to be.  But that would be limiting his product. He can literally move into textiles for all other markets not just urban apparel.  This is a HUGE investment opportunity for a savvy investor.

Weaknesses – Due to the history of minority owned companies I can carve this in stone:  Minority businesses are underfunded and need major capital to make their ideas work.
Clark is already selling his designs in the apparel market. Now he wants to move into the other markets such has sheets, pillow cases, curtains, etc.

Financials – Clark is always open to speak with Angels and Investment Entrepreneurs to take his concepts to the next level.  Imagine cornering the textile market with new designs daily.  Imagine creating exclusive designs for major retailers to have their own lines of ChuArts™ textiles. The sky is the limit on Sheets, pillow cases, curtains, upholstery, shower curtains, rugs, carpet, runners, lamp shades and that is just for the home industry.  Now imagine ANY industry and you can do the same with ChuArts™ new designs.

Conclusions – Clark is on his way to great success. I am grateful to have known him for these past twenty years. You may purchase ChuArts at  We hear so much about people within the community saying there are NOT enough minority owned businesses! How can we change that? Hey, here is a novel idea… Why not support those businesses that are there so they can create more jobs and help more budding entrepreneurs to create their own start-ups.

We have attorneys, multiple Non-profits, Barber Shops, Nail Salons, Beauty Salons, Insurance agents, Professionals and journeymen from all trades, and occupations, etc., let’s encourage them to purchase ChuArts, Canvas art and poster art for their business establishments; create unique ONE-OF-A-KIND product designs for their businesses. Use ChuArts™ fleece blankets and throw blankets in your establishments for customers to use on those cool evenings or winter days.  Use ChuArts™ Throw Pillows to decorate your chairs and establishments, and your homes.

Purchase ChuArts Canvas “Take Another Look” Series and you will have conversations about the art designs all day long.

And lest we forget we all are living SOMEWHERE, be it as Homeowners, Condominiums, Townhomes or Apartments. Affirm you action by purchasing ChuArts™ products. There are so many options.  No one should walk away from this site without seeing something they like and can afford.

Support Minority Owned Businesses

Make an effort to visit all minority owned stores whether they are in your community or online. If there is something you do not like, “POLITELY” tell them, so they can improve.  If you think their prices are too high, or their services are not good enough, “POLITELY” tell them, so they can improve.  HELP THEM SERVE YOU BETTER by being their voice eyes and ears.  If you have a service that you can offer to help them run their company more efficiently, offer it!
Provide sound solutions for them to implement.  Don’t complain for the sake of complaining just because you are dissatisfied.  Offer our community businesses sound solutions to become better businesses for everyone.  It is a win/win for you, our communities and for the business owners.

Imagine creating industry in your own communities by purchasing from business in our own communities.  The nice part about on-line businesses is that they too can create jobs for warehousing, manufacturing, distribution, fulfillment, customer service, and more.  If enough products are sold within a given region there is a far greater likelihood that business will want to open a distribution center in order to reduce their distribution costs.  So let’s get busy!

So what is your plan of action for today?  Visit  BUY AT LEAST ONE PRODUCT FROM THEM TODAY!

Columnist; Steve Brown MS, Corporate Consultant

Email info;



One Response to “Today’s Entrepreneur – Clark Ulysse – ChuArts LLC.”
  1. Genise says:

    I know Clark, not well, but what I do know is he’s a great guy, works like a million hours, and his art if fabulous.

    While I am not a minority, in the sense it is most commonly used, (although as a 50+ year old, Jewish woman, with ADD and a physically disabled husband, I MUST be in some minority group), it just so happened that I wrote (I’m a freelance writer) a business plan for an African-American woman planning on opening a men’s clothing store, targeted toward minority men, in the Brooklyn Park, MN area.

    She was absolutely thrilled to death with the job I did, because I spent the time finding legitimate demographics, census and statistics.

    Living in Madison, WI, 98% of my work is done remotely and via the phone. Most of he time I have no clue what race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or any other factors like this my clients are.

    Yet, because I also do many LinkedIn profiles, and they include pictures, it’s evident that at least 1/2 of my clientele is African American. It could be due to some of the areas I target, such as Milwaukee and Chicago.

    Personally, I support anyone who is a decent, honest person; however, coming from a family where my mother escaped Nazi Germany “just in time,” I am very sensitive to the prejudices and needs of minority groups. Hell, I get it myself, simply because of my age! I’m sure if more people knew I was one of the three (lol) Jews here in Madison, I’d probably feel that as well.

    So, I highly support Clark, personally, and as a minority. I hope anyone else reading this will too.

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