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5 Reasons Why Learning Golf Improves Your Lifestyle.

June 24, 2016 by  
Filed under Health, Sports, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) Ask any regular golf enthusiast and they will tell you that you can never play too much. And, to an extent, they are right. There is an enormous range of benefits that come with playing golf – and many of them can help you in different aspects of your life. Read on to find out the top five reasons why golf could improve your lifestyle.

It keeps you fit

Golf may not seem like a great way to take your exercise. But it far more healthy than you think. It can help you strengthen your core, for a start. And, it can also give you flexibility and strength. Sure, it’s a low-pace game. But the positioning of your body and the controlledblackman-golfing-2016 actions is surprisingly hard work. And, all the walking is great for the circulation, too. Ask any health expert and they will tell you that regular exercise makes you fitter and healthier for both mind and body. If you want to succeed in work and your personal life, you have to be a healthy individual – golf can help you be that person.

It helps you improve your concentration

Is your memory starting to slip? If so, you need to make your brain exercise a little more. Golf is an excellent way to improve your concentration and work those brain cells. You’ll need to figure out angles, distances, and even wind direction. And, if you take the advice of Fairway First Golf, your swing is one of the most difficult skills in any sport. It means that at every stage of your golfing life, you will need to improve. Not only will your memory benefit, but you will also improve your overall cognitive function.

It’s good fun

We all need to laugh in life – it’s good for the mind, body and soul. It’s also great for the health. The more you smile, laugh, and enjoy yourself, the less stress you will suffer. And, as everyone knows, too much stress can lead to strokes, depression, and high blood pressure. So, if you needed an excuse to head down to the golf club with the boys, you have it here!

It gives you your vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is a serious problem here in the States. One of the biggest problems is that we just don’t get outside enough. Many of us are holed up in offices, hunched over computers. And, by the time we get home it is already dark. Golf gets you outside and in the sun, which is one of the best sources of vitamin D that the body can get. What more excuse do you need to get out and enjoy a round or two?

It’s good for your career

Finally, golf is a great game for business. Many a business deal is struck between tees, and there are job opportunities galore on every golf course. Sharpen up your game, take your boss out for a round, and you never know what might happen!

So, there you have it – five good reasons for playing more golf. Get out there and enjoy it, gentlemen!

Staff Writer; George Evans

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