Maintaining Your Independence As You Approach Old Age.

( As we get older, many of us worry about losing our independence and being unable to cope at home. If you’re approaching old age, here are some tips to help you maintain your independence and some golden rules to follow to boost your health.

Keep fit and active

The longer you can stay fit and active, the better. Exercising has many benefits for your mental and physical health, no matter your age. As you get older, you’ll probably notice that your joints feel stiffer, and you get tired faster. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy some physical activity from time to time. Opt for low-intensity activities, such as swimming or walking. Even if you can only manage a walk around the block once a day, this will make a massive difference to your general health and wellbeing.2016-Older-Black-Couple

Let others help and be prepared to adapt

You may not want to admit that you could do with a little help at home. But it can be counterproductive to try and muddle through on your own. If you’re finding it tricky to prepare healthy meals or you’re struggling with the stairs, let others help. Take family and friends up on offers to do a grocery shop or call in and cook a meal for you. Or get in touch with local care services such as Home Assist. A little assistance can often go a long way to enabling you to enjoy as much independence as possible. There are lots of different solutions out there if you’re having trouble with pain, mobility or carrying out day to day tasks. You may benefit from using a mobility aid. It may be possible to lower your kitchen units or install a ramp up to the front door. You may find it helpful having a carer at mealtimes to help you cook your own meals. These simple adjustments could enable you to live safely and happily in your own home for years to come.

Keep in touch with friends and family

Today, it’s easier to keep in touch with others than ever before. Getting out and about with friends and family is important. Try and maintain contact with friends that go way back, and arrange regular days out or catch ups. You don’t have to create a packed schedule. You could just arrange to go for a coffee once a week with a group of friends. It’s good for the soul to see loved ones and have a laugh. If you can’t drive anymore, try using the local buses, or book a taxi. You could also arrange a lift with one of your friends, or ask family to help out. If you’re looking to expand your social circle, why not take up a new hobby? There are all kinds of activities you could try. Learn to dance, or hone your golf skills. Take up knitting or join a choir.

Nobody wants to think about leaving their home and giving up their independence. As you get older, you may find that you’re not quite as active or agile as you used to be. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to throw the towel in. There are plenty of ways you can maintain your independence, especially if you let others help from time to time. Try new hobbies, connect with friends and family and don’t be afraid of change. Often, simple adaptations around the home and a little extra assistance can make a really positive difference.

Staff Writer; Terry Shaw