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The Secret of Getting Straight A’s in Your Movie and Book Reviews.

January 6, 2017 by  
Filed under Education, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) You might have a lot of memories in your college life worth cherishing and hard forgetting. Not to mention the numerous dissertations, course works, essays, presentations, movie reviews, book reviews, annotations, research papers can make your life miserable.

You might not be Shakespeare, or wouldn’t find sufficient time to write your college assignments. There are a number of service providers to help you with your paperwork and make your life hassle-free. Most students have a tough time writing book reviews and movie reviews. It’s not as hard as it seems at a glimpse.

There’s a lot of difference when you review movies and books. Movies portray everything on screen and restrict your imagination; books put your imagination to the test.

Here are few tips to write splendid book and movie reviews that professional reviewers won’t tell you.

Don’t judge a book by its cover

Book reviews are often confused by students with summarizing the whole book. Attention to detail and reading patiently are key to a breathtaking book review. It’s suggested that you do a thorough reading of the book and jot down your thoughts and opinions about the book.

Choose your favorite book, or preferably a book you can complete reading earlier than a big book. If you do take a huge book you might not have enough time or interest to finish your review before the deadline. You’ll be left with no option other than purchasing a custom review online. You might fail to submit your assignment on time, or you can rely on advanced writers to handle the review for you.

List out an area you’ll focus on before starting your review. Books are written to get your own artistic impressions and opinions. You might have a difference of opinion with the writer’s thoughts. Do a comprehensive and unbiased review of the book. Try to give constructive feedback and area for growth, rather than blunt criticism.

The best way to write your book review is to imagine you’re telling a story about the book to your friend. Your readers must know which book you’re talking about. It’s important to include the author’s name and book’s title in the first paragraph of the review. Make use of separate paragraphs for each new idea.

Your review isn’t a retelling of the whole book. Expressing your opinions matter the most – write about what you liked and disliked about the book. The author’s writing style and stylistic devices used in the book are some of areas worth analyzing. Using some of the quotes from the book can help support your views. Reading the author’s biography might help you learn his viewpoint better.

Not just for the movie buffs

Who doesn’t love watching movies! Most people love watching movies regardless of their age and geography. Watching movies is easier than reading a huge chunk of pages. Visual cues leave a lasting impression in people’s minds. All you need to have is an opinion about the movie, and you’re already on your way to becoming a reviewer!

What would be the right length of a review? There isn’t any prescribed length for a review; most reviews are usually 500-700 words, or two to three pages long. Make your review stand out from the crowd- critically evaluate the movie, its presentation, and success.

Consider your target audience for whom the movie was intended even before you go ahead with the review. Don’t be a spoilsport; keep the audience on edge and hold their interest to continue watching the movie till the very end.

Mention details your readers might be looking – tone, genre, date of release, and credits. Include the “why” and “how” element to connect with the audience. Most would find it interesting to learn more about the backdrop of a movie or book.

Reviews made simple

Book and movie reviews are based on perspective and specific areas of focus. There’s no hard and fast rule to how it needs to be done. Online portals, such as advanced writer, collect a nominal charge for their services to help college students with writing.

Staff Writer; Joy Hill

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