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If You Build It, Will They Come? The Art Of Promoting Your Event.

February 27, 2017 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comThere are hundreds of reason why you might feel compelled to put on an event. Perhaps you’re trying to raise money for a good cause; perhaps you’re trying to promote your business to new customers; perhaps you’re simply interested in putting on an amazing show that people will remember for years to come. Whatever your reasons are, there’s no denying that you’ve got a pretty serious amount of work ahead of you. More things go into planning and running an event than many people could even imagine.

But there’s one thing that’s often a major concern for event planners above all others: what happens if nobody shows up? This is the fear that keeps event planners up at night. Of course, lying awake feeling scared isn’t going to do any good. If you really want to make sure that your event is well attended, then you’re going to need to promote it. Of course, there are always plenty of different ways to do that, and here are just a few of the most effective

Use the local area

Unless there is something about your event that is likely to draw a national audience, it’s pretty likely that you’re going to be relying fairly heavily on the people in the area local to where it’s being held. This means that a lot of your marketing and promotion should be focussed in that area especially. Whether you’re distributing flyers to local businesses or erecting Selby’s flags around the city, the area around your venue is always going to be something that you can rely on to generate ticket sales. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t also try to reach out to people who are further away, but rather that your initial focus should be on those most likely to actually attend.

Create scarcity

Far too often customers assume that they don’t need to buy tickets for an event because there’s no chance that they’ll run out. This can be seriously frustrating and scary when you’re planning your event, not least because you’re probably relying on ticket sales to cover a lot of your costs. In order to encourage people to buy tickets sooner, create a sense of scarcity. Make customers feel as though waiting is too risky to bother with. You can also do things like raising the price of tickets little by little the closer you get to the event. By doing this, you’ll find that you’ll sell all of the tickets you need to in no time.

Use influencers for coverage

Social media personalities like Youtube and Instagram stars are the perfect people to promote your event. By offering them free tickets they will be able to share your event with their large audience of followers. Not only that but often their followers and fans will buy tickets to your event specifically for them. This way you not only increase ticket sales but have created yet another draw to your event without spending any extra money.

Staff Writer; Greg Moore

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