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How To Swiftly Recover From Whiplash.

March 14, 2017 by  
Filed under Health, Money/Business, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comA lot of people feign whiplash – but those of us that have really suffered it know that it can be a real pain in the neck. It’s caused by a sharp movement of the neck, which in turn causes muscles to tear and be damaged. If not treated properly, whiplash can be a debilitating injury with lifelong effects. If you’ve recently discovered you have whiplash or suspect you have it, here are the steps that you should take.

Consult a doctor

If you’ve been in an accident and now have neck pain, you should see a doctor immediately. They will be able to professionally diagnose it as whiplash. Don’t just assume you have whiplash – there is the risk that it could be something worse, in which case you could need surgery. A doctor will generally take you for x-rays and scans if they are concerned.

Consider making a claim

Although it can be the result of a sports injury or a fall, whiplash is most commonly the result of a road accident. If this is the case, you may be able to get compensation by visiting a professional team of lawyers for car accidents. There are a lot of false whiplash claims and judges are cracking down on these – however, if you have medical proof such as a doctor’s note, you should certainly consider making a claim. Compensation money could help fund your recovery, which could include medication and therapy, as well as compensating for public transport if you’re no longer able to drive.

Hot and cold

Hot and cold methods are the best for relieving pain. In the first few weeks, you’ll likely be told to keep ice on your injury. If you don’t have an ice pack, a pack of frozen veggies should do the trick. After this period, you should switch to a hot towel, which will help the muscles relax and release tension that could be inhibiting your recovery. Make sure to take lots of hot baths too.

See a chiropractor

Chiropractors can help nurse muscle injuries through physical manipulation with the hands. It’s essentially a medically focused massage. They may also be able recommend ways of massaging your injury at home by buying a roller or using a golf ball, lying on the ground and placing the object beneath your neck. You should also consider other types of holistic treatment which have been proven to ease neck pain, such as acupuncture and acupressure. See a holistic healer and ask about the various treatments that they’d recommend.

Get stretching

Physiotherapy stretches are very important for overcoming neck pain. A chiropractor will be able to show and recommend some stretches for you to practice in your own time. These may involve side bending and chin tucks. It’s important not to partake in any exercises that involve rapid movement of the neck. Activities such as Tai Chi and Pilates are thought to be excellent for making a recovery – the instructor will be able to cater stretches around your individual needs.

Staff Writer; Latasha Jones

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