Mainstream Media Is Helping Ole Russia.
May 22, 2017 by Staff
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns
( Once again, the liberal, mainstream media has lost its collective mind over the mess swirling around President Trump in regard to the firing of former FBI director, Jim Comey.
It’s sad to see the lack of any attempt by the mainstream media to simply do its job, which is to merely report the facts, without any spin or bias.
The only ones, who are winning in this false debate are the Russians. As I wrote in my column two months ago, Russia has released a psychological operations campaign against our country and it is having its desired effect—to destabilize our country. Psy-ops are another form of warfare that causes a nation’s people to doubt the trustworthiness of its various institutions: political, corporate, religious, etc.
Once a nation begins to distrust its leadership, total collapse can’t be far off.
While we are debating Comey’s firing and Russia’s so-called meddling in our elections, does anyone realize that Russian president Vladimir Putin is asserting extraterritorial authority in his attempt to make legal claims of ownership to vast portions of the North Atlantic (off the coast of Alaska) and the Arctic, even though this area has historically been considered international waters.
This part of the North Atlantic has untold oil and gas resources and would be an extremely profitable shipping route for global business. Russia’s Northern Fleet is attempting to secure the northern sea route between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
So, please allow me to deconstruct the phony arguments being promulgated by all the radical liberals from mainstream media, the talking heads and wayward politicians.
The President of the United States has the absolute power and authority to hire and fire the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), according to an amendment to the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, Title VI, Section 1101. Prior to this amendment, the director was nominated by the U.S. Attorney General.
I find it quite ironic that even Comey acknowledged that the president had the authority to fire him. In a letter sent to FBI employees the day after his firing, Comey said, “…I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI Director for any reason, or for no reason at all…”
The first director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, served from the founding of the agency in 1924 to 1972 with unchallenged power.
Former President Barack Obama appointed Comey to head the bureau in 2013 for a statutory term of ten years, so Comey had six years left on his term. The ten-year term was established in the aftermath of Watergate as a part of the Crime Control Act of 1976.
Does anyone really believe that if Trump had fired Comey immediately after he was sworn in, the mainstream media and their liberal sycophants would not have tied it to Russia? So, I have absolutely no issue with Trump’s actions; but I do have a major problem with his lack of a communications strategy. The public fallout over the Comey issue should have been easily anticipated and an appropriate communications plan should have already been in place.
Another argument being pushed by Democrats is that we are now facing a “constitutional crisis” along the lines of Watergate. Are you kidding me?
Can somebody please tell me how in the hell can we have a constitutional crisis when the president used the very power conferred to him by the very U.S. Congress that is making the bogus charge?
There is a big difference between Trump’s actions, the firing of Comey, and his verbiage regarding the firing.
The president was well within his rights to fire Comey with or without cause as established above. The communications strategy behind his act has been horrendous, but the mainstream media is trying to conflate the two.
The U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) has stated emphatically that there has been no evidence of Trump or his campaign colluding with the Russians about anything. There may be investigations going on that we are not aware of and if there is, we shouldn’t know.
The mainstream media knows full well that the controversy surrounding the Comey firing is ALL political, not legal. Optically and politically, there was never going to be a good time to fire Comey.
There is absolutely no question that there is no legal issue with Trump’s actions and everyone knows it, but for the mainstream media to create this mass hysteria with the constant invoking of “Watergate” is simply another example of how the mainstream media has proven, once, again that it is totally incapable of being an objective reporter of the facts.
And to my weak-kneed, spineless Republicans: When you caved to the silly demands of the Democrats to appoint a special prosecutor, you basically handed them the House and Senate in 2018, and quite possibly the White House in 2020.
Is that really what your constituents sent you to Washington to do? I don’t think so.
Columnist; Raynard Jackson
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