Are Tobacco Companies Benefiting From The Vaping Boom?
November 28, 2017 by Staff
Filed under Health, Weekly Columns
( If you like to keep abreast of health news or you’ve thought about quitting smoking in the last few months, it’s highly likely that you’ve come across adverts for e-cigarettes. Vaping is increasingly common, and it is often recommended by health officials and experts as a means of helping smokers to cut down and eventually give up for good. E-cigarettes were even featured in 2017’s Stoptober campaign.
With vaping on the rise, you may assume that tobacco companies feel put out, but research leads us to believe that many of the industry leaders are actually involved in the production of e-cigarettes. You may think that smoking and vaping are two different entities, but as this infographic suggests, there are links between some of the most popular vaping brands and high-profile tobacco giants. If you delve deeper into the world of vaping, you’ll find that nine brands belong to tobacco companies and five are linked to tobacco-free firms. Although 80 percent of vaping brands are owned independently, members of Big Tobacco are responsible for brands such as Blu and 10 Motives, which are among the best-known products on sale via websites and high-street vendors. The vaping boom may dent cigarette sales, but it’s worth asking if the major tobacco companies already covering their tracks by investing in and selling e-cigarettes? The information in this infographic suggests that there’s a correlation between vaping brands and tobacco companies, which may continue to strengthen in the years to come, as more and more people are expected to try and quit smoking.
Infographic created by Who Owns All The Vaping Brands
Staff Writer; Larry Ross