Saturday, July 27, 2024

Roy Moore Accuser Not So Innocent.

December 11, 2017 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

( Just days before Alabama’s special Senate election, Republican candidate Roy Moore received an early Christmas gift – his accuser, Beverly Young Nelson, admitted to partially forging a note she claims was written by Moore 40 years ago.

Moore has repeatedly denied Nelson’s allegation, as well as those from other women who’ve accused him of sexual misconduct.

Only a sick person without a conscience would accuse a person of a crime and repeat the allegation in public knowing she forged the “evidence.” Beverly Young Nelson reminds me of Anita Hill – the mentally deranged feminist who falsely accused Justice Clarence Thomas of harassment and put a good man and his family through hell.

I’m glad Roy Moore didn’t quit. If he had bowed to pressure from RINOs and succumbed to the left’s vicious attacks, Alabama wouldn’t have a decent option to represent them in the Senate. One thing is certain: Conservatives who acquiesce and quit are never as effective as they used to be. If you’re falsely accused, stand and fight – and when you’ve done all you can to stand – stand some more! Men like Donald Trump and Roy Moore are setting a great example by fighting back in the right way.

Trump fought and won, and now he’s making the country great again. I have no doubt that Moore will do the same. And he’ll be a strong ally to help the president “drain the swamp.”

Gloria Allred, the attorney representing Moore’s accuser, is out for money and fame. Allred is a Hillary supporter who makes a living attacking conservatives. She represented the three women who accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct – claims that Trump has denied and that first arose during Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. In 2017, the State Bar of California opened an investigation into possible misconduct by Allred, and the case has been forwarded to the State Bar’s Enforcement Unit for further investigation and possible prosecution.

The apple doesn’t fall from the tree. Allred’s shameless daughter, Lisa Bloom, was exposed for undermining the women who came forward to accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment to line her own pockets.Allred has defended her daughter’s decision to represent Weinstein.

Since they couldn’t stop Roy Moore with false sexual misconduct allegations, his Democrat opponent, Doug Jones, and the liberal media are attacking Moore over “slavery comments.”

CNN and other fake news outlets dug up an old quote from Moore in response to a question from a black person at a rally who asked when Moore thought America was last “great.” Moore acknowledged the nation’s history of racial divisions, but said: “I think it was great at the time when families were united – even though we had slavery – they cared for one another. … Our families were strong, our country had a direction.”

But Jones’ campaign denounced Moore and twisted his words, accusing him of saying the last time America was great was during slavery. Now, his campaign is sending out emails highlighting Moore’s “questionable remarks.”

This is a desperate attempt to scare blacks. Roy Moore is 100 percent correct! I grew up on a plantation in Alabama (outside of Montgomery). I witnessed Jim Crow and participated in civil-rights marches for equal treatment under the law. Yes, the laws were against blacks, but we were much better off morally and spiritually. Faith was important, and people cared about each other and loved their country. It was a far cry from what we see today with a 73 percent out-of-wedlock birthrate, rampant violence, crime and joblessness in black America.

Even though Doug Jones has raised more than $10 million since Oct. 1, compared to Moore’s $2 million, he’s still behind in the polls and desperately needs to get out the black Democrat vote if he’s going to have a shot of winning a seat his party hasn’t won in 25 years.

Jones brought in two liberal, pro-abortion, black race hustlers to help: New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick are campaigning for the Democrat and spreading lies to blacks across Alabama trying to anger and scare them into voting against Roy Moore.

Doug Jones has nothing to offer blacks. He’s a puppet of the DNC who will push abortion, open borders, welfare, failing public schools and other liberal policies that have been impeding black progress for 50 years.

This is clearly a political witch hunt by enemies of truth who fear straight, white, conservative Christian men with power. Christians should know to give a person like Moore, with a track record of standing up for Christian principles, the benefit of the doubt. Those who abandoned Moore before having the facts need to rethink their faith. You wouldn’t want to be pre-judged, so why not treat Roy Moore the way you’d like to be treated?

A vote against Roy Moore is a vote against making “America Great Again.” I’m supporting Moore all the way! I’m grateful that President Trump is also backing him. If you call yourself a Christian and care about the future of your state and the country, you should vote based on the facts and support Moore for Senate!

Columnist; Jesse Lee Peterson

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