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Sometimes, A Full Renovation Of Your Business Is Necessary.

February 6, 2018 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comNot all businesses work in the same way. Not all of them are continually relevant, and not all of them are conveniently propped up by the shifting of the market. For example, some products and services and continually being renovated and updated from moment to moment, while others might find that years go by without any need for them to develop in order to stay the top dog. You can be sure that sooner rather than later however, a change in your business matters might benefit your firm. Nothing is static, despite the inbuilt characteristic of permanence your targeted industry might afford you.

Often, a lack of innovation and reactivity can result in a business going under. This is because despite a long time of prominence, when challenge raises its head, the business is not structured in a way that quickly allows it to become open to change. Sometimes, a full renovation of your business is completely necessary to begin making those changes that are so sorely needed. The following methods of achieving such a goal should shed some light on how easy and worthwhile this can be. If you’re needing motivation to begin this restructuring process, perhaps this article can provide you with the platform to help you do so.


When a business is in dire need of change, sometimes the staff and the tasks they conduct on a daily basis needs to have a light shined on them. It can be easy for larger firms to fall victim to irrelevance thanks to the growing dissatisfaction or lack of care from the staff, and this goes for all departments and all levels of hierarchy. It might be that you have too many staff, your management is incompetent, or you haven’t provided them with the right tools to work efficiently. You should prioritise your methods of identifying the problem as follows:

First, try to see if the tools you are providing your staff could be improved. Try to find this out by conducting a business-wide feedback forum, and asking your trusted higher-ups. When this information is collected, shadow your workers in secret. Ask certain individuals to use bodycams, or use secret shoppers and clients. Chart the path of your inner office workings using means of communication, asking for feedback, and queries. Collate this with the evidence you have presented, and you might be able to assess where the real issue is coming from. It might be that there is no one to blame, and this is often the case. Standards often slip as a result of a combined relaxing of the rules, and this can lead every department to be in error.

If you can, streamline departments. This might mean job losses, but it also means that those worthwhile will fight to keep their position within reason. Reassess what your job roles are there to accomplish. If you find some have become irrelevant and yet not updated, consider either redistributing their use, promoting those employees, or letting them go. You unfortunately cannot keep dead weight in your firm, and when it comes to renovating for relevance, you might find that this is the best way forward.


Your office and the environment it propagates has a strong effect on the daily functioning of your firm. Sometimes, only sometimes, this can be responsible for a lack in office productivity. If your workforce has grown but your office spacing has yet to accommodate it, if you have new large implements necessary to achieve the general task your managers lay out, or if you are simply making your staff labor under the same office environment they have for twenty years, it could be time for a much needed change. We’re willing to bet that having the tenacity to enact such a difference will be met with nothing but positive regard in your workforce.

This is important in industries where creativity and  the sharing of ideas work well to provide innovation. Employees at Google would likely suggest this to be the case. It might be that in the closed, specialist and individual environments of your working nature, a more conclusive and separate booth setup is worthwhile. Gauge the feel of the office through feedback forms, and be sure to reflect to office psychology advice that might influence your decision for the better. 

Sometimes, an entire extension is necessary. This might mean using industrial equipment and a hired workforce and architectural firm to expand your home office is necessary. You can find more information here. Doing so might serve two purposes and provide benefits alongside them. One is that the size of your office increases, allowing for much more space, breathability and utility of the office environment. It also presents a large statement to your staff that your office is changing, that the business is expanding and gaining more prominence. This will subtly shift them to act in this manner, as everyone knows that the office environment does improve their general working candor. If you need to expand, you hope to rebrand, or you generally want to improve the office environment in your industrial unit, then this could be one of the best places to start, as physical changes often precipitate theoretical changes. If you want to buy some equipment or sell the equipment you think will not fit in with your new branding, then you may want to check out an Online Industrial Equipment Auction to see what you can do in this instance.

Mission Statement

What is the mission statement your firm has chiselled out in stone? Can this bedrock of your firm ever be adjusted? Should it ever be? Would removing it be again to moving the foundations from the bottom of your firm? Without them, could everything crash? Well, there’s no need for such frightening potentials to come to find, as often developing your business in accordance with the modern demands upon it requires a strong and stringent assessment of your mission statement.

Your mission statement is not just an empty platitude, to be forgotten and moved on. It determines your entire strategy, at least in part. It allows new consumers, staff, investors, partners, shareholders, media commentators and legal bodies to correctly assess your firm and understand what you hope to accomplish. It sets a framework by which all of your decisions must be made. It might inform the daily choices you make as a leader, and what outreach you conduct.

For example, let’s say you’re in the business of manufacturing and producing fitness supplements. Instead of a mission statement such as “We provide fantastic, reliable and affordable fitness supplements targeted towards those with weightlifting in mind,” you might choose to differentiate this further. This can make your firm take on new life, and meet the shifting demands of the current marketplace. For example, shifting this to “We provide sustainable, ethical, reliable and affordable fitness supplements to both novice and elite weightlifters,” you have given more reasons as to why your business is important, while also isolating a target demographic. Your wording matters, and if you find it’s become relatively stale, you might find a great degree of utility in this improvement.


Having your business invested in can be a wonderful thing to behold. The first time this happens, you might find yourself jumping for joy, particularly if you’ve had a rough time fighting for business dominance in the early days. However, investing is not always a positive. Sometimes the terms of which can come with some stringent behavioural paybacks, such as continually developing in partnership with another firm, to filling out orders or being limited to certain business decisions.

Sometimes, if you hope to once again wrestle authority of your firm back to you and away from the continual input of investors, you have to settle your business dealings and make your own way. You might not have realized this, but in your pursuit of a regular income to make use of, your practical business decisions were being impeded by the deadweight of another firms or investors interests.

Of course, sometimes settling out of these arrangements is easier said than done, as you may have contracts that dictate you behave in a certain way for a time in the future. If you find yourself in this position, then negotiating and presenting your evidence of limitation might be enough for a wise business leader to agree with you and allow you the objective of renovating your internal business operations. After all, sometimes sacrifice in the short term can lead to long-term and sustainable gains, and the positive spiral there will often have an upward trajectory.


Sometimes, renovating a business lies with renovating yourself. If you’ve found that you’ve been able to rest on your laurels for too long, you’re not contributing your fair share or leading from the front, or that you’re simply relaxing and not paying attention to the shifting tides of the marketplace, you could need to upgrade your efforts.

This means continually refinding your competence in an effort to improve your business dealings. It means often assessing what has gone wrong in an effort to fix it. It also means having the space necessary to see what the current market demands from you.

With all of this in mind, a full renovation of your business, both from a financial, physical, attitudinal and planning perspective will contribute to a better, improved business 2.0.

Staff Writer; Karl Ford

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