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Things All Great Entrepreneurs Have In Common.

April 24, 2018 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comSo, you want to be a great entrepreneur? Some people are born with an entrepreneurial spirit, but you don’t have to be a natural entrepreneur – you can teach yourself to become one. If you read enough books, watch enough YouTube videos and attend enough seminars, you could become an entrepreneur just like one of the ones you look up to right now. Believing that you can become the entrepreneur you’ve always wanted to be is the first step to getting there.

By figuring out what all great entrepreneurs have in common, you should be able to become an even better entrepreneur, too. Read on to find out what these things are…

They Write Down Every Idea

All great entrepreneurs know that not every idea they have right now will come in useful straight away – but it might some day. The smallest idea could become something much bigger a few months, or even a few years down the line when the time is right. Make sure you carry something with you that allows you to write down every idea you have, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. You could write it in the notes section of your phone, a small dedicated notebook – whatever motivates you enough to come up with ideas and write them down.

They Network 24/7

Great entrepreneurs know that it’s always a great time to network. Whether you’re waiting for your coffee in your favorite coffee shop or browsing books at a bookstore, you could smile and introduce yourself to people. Strike up conversation, give out business cards – don’t waste an encounter with anybody. You don’t necessarily have to try to sell stuff to everybody you meet, but you should make sure you give a great impression!

They Treat Themselves As Entrepreneurs, Not Business Owners

There’s a big difference between entrepreneurs and business owners. Business owners are in a business for the long haul, while an entrepreneur knows that they’re only staying there while it’s beneficial to them and their bank account. Many entrepreneurs don’t just rely on one way of making money, either. They know how important it is to have various income streams, just in case. This is the quickest and best way to achieve financial freedom, too. This could mean making sure you’re learning forex for beginners, as well as looking into methods like content creation and affiliate links. There are various ways of making cash, not just through your main business venture.

They Take Risks

You can’t be afraid to take more risks, to live a little dangerously from time to time. You have to make decisions as an entrepreneur, but playing it safe all the time isn’t the best thing to do. Not only can it be boring, it can mean stunting your growth and not learning anything.

They Are Passionate And Self Motivated

You must be passionate about what you do as an entrepreneur. Only then are you going to be able to motivate yourself to do what you need to do every day to get to where you want to be!

Staff Writer; Billy Shaw

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