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How To Find The Golden Employees Amongst The Candidates.

September 13, 2018 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Politics, Tech/Internet

(Akiit.comWhen you first start your business, it will be small and easy to manage. You will be able to work from the comfort of your own home and manage everything easily and efficiently. But once you start to make some sales and increase your worth, you will find that things start to become a lot more difficult because you have more attention from customers and a lot more responsibilities to oversee. If you want to expand and become a true success, then you’re going to have to move out of your living room and into an office, and hire in some helping hands so you’re not expected to have to spread yourself so thinly anymore, as this will not only be extremely hard work, but also very unrealistic.

It’s normal to feel protective over what you’ve worked so hard for, and because of this, you will certainly try to do it all by yourself. But there will come a time where you get so consumed in stress that you will only end up admitting to yourself that you need the help. You can expect to be rather apprehensive at first because you know exactly how you want the job doing, and you won’t ever think that other people will be able to do it your way, but it’s all about trust. When hiring, you aren’t just going to be hiring anybody – you will be hiring the best. You will be hiring the people that have all the credentials and experience on paper. You may even end up finding people that do an even better job than you did initially, which of course may sting a little initially, but really it’s for the best as your business will thrive in a way you never imagined that it could.

The hiring process is very long and time-consuming, and it is very easy to end up just randomly picking out of the best few candidates to save a lot of time and energy, as this will always be in your mind because you know how much you have to do – but don’t let the impatience take over, or you may just end up with someone incapable that brings a poor attitude and work value. So if you feel as though you don’t have the time – make the time! It’s very important.

Here are some other ways of ensuring you find the golden employees to join your growing team.

Check the references

You should always check the references that are attached to the resume that a candidate gives you, but believe it or not, a lot of people don’t actually do this because it does take a lot of time trying to catch people at the right moment, then waiting for them to respond, etc. But the ramifications of not doing so can cause you an awful lot of trouble. Who knows, the person you end up hiring may be a troublemaker that doesn’t care about your business and the lengths you went to build it, they just want to be paid. This is awfully dangerous for your reputation because they may be doing all sorts of things that you’re unaware of, and regardless, as you’re the boss, it will be your fault for hiring them in the first place. So no matter how wonderful someone may appear, always follow up and hear it from someone else.

Look at the personality

Of course, the grades, experience, and achievements are all extremely important when trying to find a successful candidate, but don’t only focus your decision on this. There is so much that makes up a brilliant employee, and their resume is only one part of that. You need to imagine being in an office with ten other employees around you every single working day. You need to be able to get on and have fun while you work otherwise your days are going to be miserable, not just for you, but for them too. So you need to find people that you can click with, but that are also highly capable of doing an amazing job. Never be afraid to get personal in an interview. Once you’ve gotten all the necessary questions out of the way, ask them what they like to do in their spare time, what their favourite movie is, and what genre of music they listen to.

Keep it simple

If you know that the role you need filling is rather basic, you merely just don’t have the time to do it yourself as you have so many other things to do, then rather than going through the whole interview process and meeting with numerous amounts of individuals, then remember that you have the power of technology on your side. For example, if you just need an assistant to respond to emails, make calls, and keep the customers happy, then you can always go virtual with the help of virtual headquarters. This is a brilliant option because really you don’t need to bring someone in and sit them in an office with you when all these things can be done through tech anyway. This is not only extremely convenient, but it also saves you a lot of money too because you only have to pay from the exact time they’ve worked, plus you don’t have to worry about medicare and pension plans.

With these ideas fresh on your mind, you should have a real think, long and hard, about what it is you want your employees to have.  Remember that once you’ve made your decision and hired someone, it’s going to be very hard to reverse that, so reflect on a decision before you make it. And if something isn’t sitting right with you, then there’s probably a very good reason for that, so always trust your gut. Your instincts are something that can’t be taught, they are just there from the moment you’re born, so learn how to listen to them, especially when you have tough decisions to make within your business.

Staff Writer; Jerry Brown

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