Friday, July 26, 2024

Great Ways To Vamp Up Your Photography Skills This Autumn.

October 15, 2018 by  
Filed under Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comIf you are a blogger or a small business looking to increase awareness online and grow your reach beyond your current audience, one great idea would be to get some photography skills. Photographs can be a huge marketing tool if you create stunning images and they will always be seen and engaged with more than simple blog posts or statuses on Facebook. Creating great images is a skills and if you want to stand out from the crowd, here are some of the ways you can create amazing images this year.

Use a drone

A drone is a great tool for you to use with photography and you can get shots which you would never be able to achieve normally. A Bird’s Eye view of the world allows you to see places which have never been seen and be able to capture the beauty of unspoilt land. It is worth bearing in mind that drones are a risk to aircrafts and can’t be used in certain areas so you will need to research the laws before using them.

Try long exposure

Long exposure is a type of photography which is all about capturing the beauty of moving objects and it can capture some really stunning images for you. For example if you have ever seen an image of a city with the car lights streaming across the frame, this is long exposure. You have to hold your camera still for a few seconds and let things move in front of the lens to gain the effect.

Get creative with perspective

Perspective is something which you might not think about when taking photos but it can have a huge effect on the style of photo you can achieve. Rather than taking a front on photo of your subject, try shooting them from slightly above, slightly below or from the side. These different angles can make a big difference and add some interest to your images.

Use colour filters

For homemade colour filters, simply take a sweet wrapper which is colourful and see through, iron it between a couple of sheets of greaseproof paper and then as you take a photo, place it in front of the lens. You can immediately make an atmosphere for your photo and it can look amazing on your website or instagram feed.

Use props

Props can be a huge help when doing a photoshoot and it can be especially helpful if you are doing photographs of products for your website. Whether you are selling hats, artwork or makeup: props such as fabric, fake plants and small gems can make for a stunning flatlay and elevate your images to professional standard and capture the attention of many more people. You can learn how to space items and create a stunning flatlay online and this can really make a big difference to your brand and help you gain much more traction online in your niche.

Staff Writer; Jerry Parker

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