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3 Kinds Of Boss You Can’t Allow Yourself To Become.

November 30, 2018 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comStarting a business is one of the most gratifying ways in which a woman can make a living. It enables her to smash the glass ceiling that still sits firmly over the world of work and enables her to rearrange the playing field on her own terms, creating opportunities for others which were not available to her earlier in her career and transforming the landscape of her chosen industry from the inside. But while this is a tremendously liberating endeavor for a woman, it is certainly not without its pitfalls. Entrepreneurship requires a degree of reinvention. You need to sculpt yourself a new identity for yourself, cherry-picking different aspects of your personality and using them to construct a new business persona. Just be careful who you make yourself into. You most certainly don’t want to become…

The micromanager

Passion is an essential aspect of entrepreneurship and it’s understandable that your passion may lead you to insist on everything being done a certain way. After all, your business will sink or swim depending on your ideas, your processes and your inspiration. However, you cannot afford to let your passion turn you into a micromanager; the kind of boss who darts around the workplace like a hummingbird, checking up on everyone’s work and doing everything for them. Not only is this an exhausting way of working, it can actually impede the learning and professional development of your employees.

Spend a little more time in your office focusing on the strategic management of your business rather than at the coalface with your employees.

The workaholic

Running a business is more than just a job. Your fate and your fortune are inextricably linked to the success of your enterprise. With this in mind it’s understandable why so many entrepreneurs become workaholics. However, this can not only be detrimental to your quality of life and your relationships with your partner, your family and your friends, it also won’t do your business all that many favors.

Workaholics have a tendency not to accept help. They can refuse to outsource. They can make decisions that seem right for them but wind up being detrimental to the efficiency and smooth running of their business. Allow yourself to entrust certain aspects of your operation to outsourced companies like Capstone Information Technologies. Put a little trust in your employees and allow them greater autonomy in the running of your business. Not only will it help to facilitate growth, it will make your life much easier and more enjoyable.

The tyrant

Running a business is stressful and often tiring. Yet when we are stressed and tired day after day, it can make us into the kind of boss we really don’t to be. We can become short tempered in our dealings with employees. We can be unforgiving of simple mistakes. We can become obsessive and driven. Don’t let your passion and sincere drive for success turn you into the kind of tyrant boss who cares more about results than the people who will achieve them.

Know what kind of boss you want to be and have systems in place to put yourself back on the right path when you notice yourself becoming someone you’re not!

Staff Writer; Brad Brown

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