Take A Chance And Back Yourself.
March 1, 2019 by Staff
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns
(Akiit.com) Those cubicle walls feel like they’re getting closer and closer and if your boss makes one more unreasonable request on your time, you feel like you’re going to walk out. If these feelings sound in any way familiar, then maybe it’s time you thought about going it alone and striking out with your own business.
Admittedly for many of us this is more a dream than a reality but there are times in your working life when taking a step into the unknown and following a lifelong ambition to be your own boss might just pay off and catapult your career into the stratosphere. When you know you could do your boss’ job so much better or have been working for a corporation that has sucked all the creativity out of you, now is that time. In this blog we take a look at some of the steps you’re going to need to take to extricate yourself from the 9 to 5 and into a life where you steer the ship of your own success.
What will you need to be your own boss and is it worth giving up your predictable salary for the unknown?
Get Ready
Clearly, the first thing you’re going to need to think about is what you really want to do. Will that involve picking up a skill that you currently possess and selling it as a service or product in your own right or will you need to a little training to get you up to speed? It’s time to get action plan ready.
If you’re someone who loves an App then download some software that helps you plan and execute a series of tasks that will take you towards your goal. Do your research. Check out, in depth, the websites of any potential competition for your business and see where you can carve out a unique place in the market. If you’re good with website building, then start getting yours up and running and thinking about what you’re selling and how to sell it.
Consider Buying In
If you have no idea about website building, then consider buying in the services of an outside expert to get you going. You’ll find plenty of independent, freelance designers and tech experts on platforms such as Upwork, or go local and find someone in your community to get it done. Your website is effectively the shop front of your business so don’t let sloppy design or poorly written content let you down.
Again, if you’re not confident that your writing skills will adequately convey who you are, get a content writer on board to fill your pages and get you sounding like the professional you are.
Admittedly, you might be doing all of this work while still holding down your regular job so be patient with yourself and build-in plenty of time to get things done properly building on great foundations rather than rushing the process.
Strategize For The Win
Once your frameworks in place it’s time for the real fun to start. Whether you’re a consultant, install guard railings, writer or designer you’ll need some kind of business plan, to work alongside a marketing strategy.
For some entrepreneurs this can be fairly straightforward, particularly if you are selling your own skills as a service while for others with physical goods to sell, it can be more complicated. The answer again, is reading and researching. Look at blogs that talk you through the ins and outs of running your own business, offer you step-by-step guides on building plans and strategies and allow you to take part in webinars and Q&A sessions.
Look locally at any small business support networks you might be able tap into and find similar business owners online to share frustrations, tips and successes with. Having a supportive community around you can make all the difference.
Fear Is Fine
That moment you hand in your notice can be the most liberating day of your working life but it’s not without a certain fear factor. You’d be foolish not to fear the unknown and have some doubts, it’s only human. At the same time, you’ve done the hard work and like a marathon runner, you can trust that all the training you’ve done can carry you the distance.
Those initial months are going to offer you a steep learning curve. You’ll discover issues you had no idea even existed and learn to overcome them and move on. Be prepared to take the odd set back, it happens. The best thing you can do when things have gone wrong is to learn the lesson quickly, get straight back up and do it differently the next time the same situation arises. Quitting is not an option so take the hard times on the chin and dig deep.
Something many entrepreneurs fail to take into account is success and this can be problematic. You may not have predicted that your product or service would be so wildly popular so can your website handle the extra traffic? Are you going to be able to deliver on all those orders you have agreed to? In your business plan set aside an area for growth and how you’ll handle it when you need to expand and potentially even take on extra staff.
Grow With Your Business
You are now your own accountant, PR strategist and cleaner alongside your actual day job. If you’re struggling to keep on top of all the extras that come with running a business, consider investing in some training for yourself in the areas that you struggle most in. Couple that with some smart business software and you’ll be on top of your books in no time.
Once your business is flying and you’re setting your own daily schedule you’ll know that you made the right decision to ditch cubicle life and become your own boss. No one said it was going to be easy, but it is absolutely worthwhile. Enjoy your independence and seeing your business go from strength to strength.
Staff Writer; Greg Love