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Appreciating Your Business With A Birds-Eye View.

March 17, 2019 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comIt’s important to take a step back and appreciate your business from time to time. This is because if you spend every day and night worrying about how the future of your business is going to pan out, and what the next move is, sometimes you can forget to see the trees for the forest. It’s important to reflect, and this goes for almost all arenas of life. For example, if your child was coming home with worse grades, it wouldn’t be an optimal solution to have them push forward, to berate them, and to instruct them to work harder and harder.

Instead, it would be important to encourage hard work, while also trying to figure out what issues were causing that lapse in performance. This could help you come to a healthier solution without having to spin your wheels and become frustrated, thus helping the health of both sides of the relationship.

Appreciating your business with a birds-eye view is also important if you hope to view its entire structure with a clinician’s mindset. Even if there are no problems to see, or not efficiency to be made, you will know that securely.

Logistical Connections

When your business grows to a certain size, it will need to start paying attention to its logistics in finer form. This means deliveries, perhaps running your own trucks, or even the simple delivery of supplies from department to department. How do you store, and make use of your daily inventory? Could the transition from factory to warehouse be completed much more smoothly, or more regularly? How are your sales representatives traveling around in order to drum up business, and what kind of locations offer the most positive exposure? A birds-eye view can help you see if there could be any dead weight to cut away, or any essential new options to utilize.

Your IT Framework

It can be essential to consider how your IT framework is set up. Not only regarding how many terminals you have in the office, but what access is given to staff members, how security abounds, what support staff you have on hand, how well your servers are cooled or you wish your office to remain future-proofed. This last matter can be especially important if your business operates in 3D design. But an IT framework is much more than the sum of its parts. Its navigability, its potential outsourcing and support, for which you might wish to see more, and the comprehensive usability of its services is essential for training new staff and keeping this a clean, managed tool of renewed use. Consider your IT framework, it might be one of the most fundamental assets you have.


When looking at anything from a birds-eye view, you’ll be able to see how the plans have laid themselves out, and looking with an exploded view you’ll be able to see the fundamental processes keeping everything together. With careful backups in potential staff replacement, funding, potential sales, staff restructuring, office hierarchical shifting, and remote connections to other firms, you can see just how your firm might be backed up, or how you might recover from a problem that occurs. Planning for these issues can take you a long way.

With these tips, appreciating your business with a birds-eye view can lend you many benefits.

Staff Writer; Reggie Jacobs`

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