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Feeling Inadequate In Your Intelligence? Why We Shouldn’t Get Hung Up On Our “Stupidity”.

March 21, 2019 by  
Filed under Education, Health, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comSo many of us can feel that we are hindered by our own limited intelligence. And this is something that we feel that we are born with, that we can’t improve. But what we need to discuss more is the deep-rooted impacts of these. If we feel that we’re not clever enough, then we feel we’re not good enough. But what about those people out there that feel like this constantly? It breeds into a sense of feeling inadequate. But what can we do to get out of this cycle? And are we actually predetermined by our own intelligence, or can we change this?

The Notion Of Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is quite a new topic. Because most of us grew up believing that we have a limited amount of intelligence and as we get older, our brain just begins to deteriorate, neuroplasticity contradicts this. And in fact, neuroplasticity is such an interesting concept, that you can basically alter to your brain, regardless of your age, this is a very exciting thing for those people that feel they are inadequate. The fact is science has proven that we can improve our brains despite us getting older. Neuroplasticity, in essence, is just about the fact that you can make drastic alterations to your brain and you can learn new things. It’s just more about the fact that when you get older, you’ve got to put a bit more effort into it. Not because you’re getting older, but you have trained your brain to adopt certain habits, and it just means that you’ve got to adopt new, more positive, ones.

Getting Into The Habit Of Expanding Your Brain

Expanding your brain isn’t about picking the most difficult topics for you, but taking the approach that it’s like exercise, that you expand it bit by bit so you can accommodate the appropriate information. While there is a lot of truth in the fact that if you don’t use it, you lose it, we have to give consideration to the fact that it can be frustrating to learn new things, and we’ve got to think about if we decide to give up on these things because they’re too hard. But there are ways and means to access information that you might have thought was too difficult in the past.

We may have desires to learn about politics or philosophy, but we couldn’t find an entryway, but if you have the desire, this is the key to retaining the information. Really all you have to do is get into the habit of doing this, and depending on your own hobbies or desires, you can join groups, such as the LCMPA, a reading group that gives you that community. The fact is, if you trying to learn things by yourself, your own biases will loom large in your mind, and you are, in effect, stopping yourself learning.

Making It A Habit For Life

It’s about pushing yourself that little bit further, but also, finding that appropriate entryway. If you wanted to learn about Machiavelli, for example, you might not have known that Tupac himself loved Machiavelli, and these little things can help make the material more relatable. Whatever your own opinions on your intelligence, you’re not stupid at all!

Staff Writer; Gary Jacobs

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