Friday, July 26, 2024

Whatever Happened To American Compassion?

March 21, 2019 by  
Filed under Health, Politics, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.comAmerica has always been a compassionate nation. We’ve had a long-standing focus on things like free-speech and equality. Heck; we didn’t get labeled the land of opportunity for nothing. But, that all looks set to change, and our changing laws are to blame.

Ever since talks of building a wall started, we’ve seen a serious shift in American attitudes. And, with Trump now turning his back on refugees, this is a situation which only looks set to get worse. Add to that the fact that the administration is also cutting humanitarian aid and global health programs, and it’s easy to wonder what the future holds. The more than 68 million people who’ve been displaced as a result of changes like these is an amount unprecedented since the second world war. That’s a serious number, and it makes it pretty impossible to call ourselves a compassionate nation right now.

The reality is, though, that none of this should stop us from following the compassionate path we’ve always been so proud of. Now, more than ever, we have a driving force to double our personal efforts towards helping those in need. But, how exactly can you go about achieving a goal which your country is turning its back on?

Support charities on a personal basis

The immigration crisis in the U.S. isn’t, and it looks set to get worse. We’re near enough turning our backs on anyone who isn’t born and bred on home turf. It makes for shocking viewing, and it’s something many of us are struggling to come to terms with. Each advancement can leave us feeling ashamed and helpless. But, we’re far from hopeless. It’s still possible to support various charities from the comfort of our homes. Options like The Florence Project and ACLU are just a few of your options here. Donating as a little as $10 a month could change the lives of those you’re so worried about letting down right now.

Make efforts to live a more compassionate life

It’s easy to get drawn into arguments and debates right now, but each time that happens, you’re moving further from compassion. Instead, make an effort to be more compassionate in your life. Try to practice acts of kindness, and make whatever efforts you can to put yourself in someone else’s shoes before making assumptions. If you struggle with this kind of thing, it may even be worth turning to communities like The HCC. Literally called The Human Compassion Coalition, they work to help us practice compassion on a regular basis. Through events and various activities, a group like this could be the thing which takes you to a more compassionate future.

It’s no wonder that we’re all feeling a little frazzled at the moment. Everywhere we look, it seems as though compassion is missing. But, it doesn’t need to be that way. Cliche as it sounds, you really can be the change you want to see in the world. And, all it takes is a little compassion.

Staff Writer; Peter Love

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