Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ways To Tackle Hayfever This Summer.

May 1, 2019 by  
Filed under Health, Weekly Columns

( The summer months are almost upon us and that can only mean that the Hayfever season has already started. With many getting affect by Hayfever some as early as March right through to September. Hayfever can be the one thing that can spoil the summer with the pollen count been at it’s highest however there is some way that you can tackle the symptoms and steps you can put into place to help with it this summer.

Cool Your Home Differently

As soon as the summer months hit all you want to do is have them windows and doors open to let in the cooler air and allow a fresh breeze to make your home feel less dusty and cleaner however doing this is allow pollen to settle in your home and can make hayfever extremely bad especially on the evenings. Finding alternative ways to cool your home can help such as ac rentals which will provide you with the cool haven you are after without allowing the pollen into your home. You can also use special nets on your windows and doors that allow air to freely flow but filter the pollen, these will never 100 % stop the pollen but will most definitely help.


One of the most common ways to help with hayfever symptoms is to take some sort of medication that prevents some of the known results such as itchy eyes, runny nose and scratchy throat. There are plenty of options with hayfever medication and a lot you are able to purchase over the counter if you are particularly suffering though it’s definitely best to seek to advise from a medical professional as they will be able to prescribe more specifically targeted help for your symptoms. If you would prefer not to be taking medications or are pregnant are unable to take anything to help then using alternative products such as eye sprays, nasal sprays and special nose creams could help to relieve some of your problems.

Wash Away The Pollen

This may seem a little strange to include on the list but one of the best things you can is to effectively wash away any pollen you could be carrying into your home. By completing regular washing of clothes, bed covers, curtains and rugs you are helping to eliminate some of the pollen that may have made it’s way into your home from been carried in. A good piece of advice would be to use a clothes horse or continue to use your tumble dryer instead of using a clothesline, as even though it’s useful and tempting to use the sunshine to dry your clothes the pollen only sticks to the freshly cleaned clothes and subsequently affected you if you are a suffer. Something else to consider is washing your hair on an evening as your hair grabs hold of things like pollen and then when you are sleeping you may transfer it to your pillow, this could then spell trouble for your evening sleep.

Do you have any other ways that you can help tackle hayfever this summer? Please share them in the comments section below.

Staff Writer; Steve Moore

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