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2019: A ‘Cold Civil War’ we absolutely must win.

October 2, 2019 by  
Filed under News, Politics, Weekly Columns

( Last Friday on his radio show, conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh said that America is in the middle of a “Cold Civil War” whose origins lie in Democrats’ attempts to oust President Donald Trump and preserve the culture of corruption in Washington.

While this is most certainly true, it is important that those who acknowledge this are mindful of the fact that despite the ceaseless incendiary rhetoric and abject hatred aimed at Trump, the president is really just a symbolic representation of the political left’s real enemy: the American people.

Most recently, House Democrats stepped up their efforts to impeach the president despite their inability to cite even one high crime or misdemeanor he has allegedly committed. This was largely catalyzed by the White House’s public focus on Democratic presidential hopeful and former Vice President Joe Biden’s involvement in corruption stemming from his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China and Ukraine. Recent inquiries and press coverage surrounding a telephone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, supposedly spurred on by a shadowy whistleblower, proved to be little more than a diversion calculated to obfuscate the former vice president’s questionable role in his son’s business.

I could spend all day enumerating and dismantling the lies, calumnies and projection Democrats and the hard left have put forth in their quest to tarnish Trump’s presidency in recent months, but I’d like to return to Mr. Limbaugh’s statement for a moment.

The Cold War represented the period of geopolitical tension between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union, which lasted from shortly after World War II through 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed. The nomenclature was derived from the fact that despite there having been no direct military engagement between the two sides, pretty much everything else that goes on between warring nations was going on: military buildups, proxy wars, espionage, sabotage and the like. All that would have been needed at the time was an initial military strike or declaration of war, and the game would have been on. Since this would have likely resulted in a global exchange of nuclear weapons, it is fortunate that none of these things occurred.

Considering that the primary distinction between a cold war and a real war is the lack of actual fighting, it may be helpful to examine the sentiments and the similarities common to both the Cold War of the post WWII era and the “Cold Civil War” referenced by Mr. Limbaugh.

The first commonality that occurs to me is that during the Cold War, the U.S. was pitted against a Communist regime, the USSR. During this period, it was clear to nearly all Americans that we were resisting a political system so odious and amoral that the risk of nuclear annihilation during the course of our efforts to overcome this regime was quite acceptable.

In other words, nearly all Americans would have rather gone down fighting than “go Communist.” There was very little either side was unwilling to do to prevail over the other, short of triggering actual military engagement. Despite this, we did come close a few times.

The second commonality concerns the methods and strategies employed by the USSR during the Cold War. While these were common to many Communist regimes of the era (such as China, North Korea and Cuba), they became familiar to all Americans during this period. The charges of Soviet premiers and other officials against America, our leaders and our people were so fallacious and patently bizarre that they became fodder for the jokes of stand-up comedian and were even ridiculed in the American press.

They were also a pointed and ongoing lesson in the abject immorality of the political left. During the height of the Cold War (chiefly, the 1960s through the mid-1980s), Americans who embraced leftist politics were regarded as fringe elements who, while troublesome, were unlikely to amass any real political power.

What’s unfortunate is that despite the fringe designation, leftists were patiently and quite effectively doing just that.

As we know, the election of Donald Trump represented a popular rejection of encroaching socialistic policies and the corrupt status quo in Washington. Between this and Trump’s efforts to expose and dismantle that corrupt culture and elements of the Deep State, leftists have become undone, at least in the mental and emotional sense. Having been so patient over the previous 100 years, and having made substantial gains in ensuring their ascendency during the Obama administration, between the stakes involved and their mounting fear and desperation, it is clear that their strategy has become a do-or-die proposition.

The abject immorality of the American left’s methods perfectly echoes those of leftist Cold War regimes, and their operatives are now shamelessly supporting policies and measures so antithetical to our traditions, the Constitution and the rule of law that merely suggesting them 50 years ago would have resulted in the suggesting party or parties being placed on an FBI watch list or worse.

On Monday, Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris argued on CNN that President Trump’s Twitter account ought to be suspended. Harris cited the president’s unacceptable rhetoric as a rationale for such a move, but the real motivation lies in the Democratic leadership’s knowledge that Trump is killing them on social media and has been doing so since he before he took office.

Last week, perhaps in a bid to re-energize his flagging presidential campaign, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke told an audience at Kent State University that only the government should be trusted with guns. O’Rourke, who said “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15” at the most recent Democratic debate, apparently doesn’t recall or doesn’t care that it was National Guard soldiers acting at the behest of the federal government who killed four people and left nine others injured at an infamous 1970 protest at that very university.

Add to this the increasing lawlessness of the left’s special interest groups, leftists both rich and poor, and leftist politicos unapologetically telegraphing their intention to install a fascistic socialist regime sooner or later, and the battle lines in this “Cold Civil War” have been clearly drawn.

These hard-line progressives and “Democratic socialists” are neither; they’re communists, and as far as I’m concerned, a scorched Earth is still preferable to communism.

Given that, we had better find a way to effectively and completely disenfranchise leftists in America, and the only person in power currently making overtures toward doing so is our president. As economically savvy as Trump is, I’m sure he’s aware that unlike the USSR, we can’t depend upon American leftists simply running out of money any time soon.

Columnist; Erik Rush

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