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8 Ways To Amp Up Your Small Business Productivity.

November 19, 2019 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

( If you have a small business, one of the best things you’ll do is figure out how to amp up your productivity. Regardless of the size of your business, getting started and building a name for yourself is hard. This is why amping up your productivity so you’re maximizing your time and getting as much done as possible is super important. Read on for 8 suggestions that will help: 

1. Know How To Set Short and Long Term Goals 

Make sure you know how to set both short and long term goals so that you can come up with an actionable plan to reach them. Having both types of goals will help you to keep momentum up in the long term and ensure your business is moving forward all the time. It’ll also help you to ensure that your whole team is on the same page. 

2. Eliminate Time Wasters

If you’ve got time wasters in your business, it could be time to get rid of them. This doesn’t just mean the processes that are wasting time, but the people who may not be pulling their weight, either. You will want to have a meeting with them beforehand to ensure they know how they can improve and what is expected of them. However, once you have discussed this if your conditions are not met then you may need to let them go.

3. Know How To Delegate

Delegating tasks to the right kind of people is key if you’re going to get everything done. This is why you need to know the strengths of your team, as it will help you to delegate more effectively and get more done overall. When you’re delegating to the right team members you should notice a vast improvement in your output. 

4. Don’t Do Everything In House

Although delegation is a great method to get more done, you don’t have to do everything in-house. A company like could offer IT support that could free up a lot more of your time and help you to save money in the long run. Trying to do everything in house could be one of the worst mistakes that you make. 

5. Reduce Distractions

Reduce distractions in a way that works for you and your team. For example, social media is important, but not if it’s taking you away from your main roles. You may want to hire a social media manager – although this might cost more in the beginning and may not seem worth it, it could be a huge productivity booster. 

6. Encourage Breaks

Contrary to what many business owners think, fewer breaks doesn’t mean more output. Breaks should be encouraged to keep your team alert and ready to get things done. 

7. Put Trust In Your Team

Trusting your team is so important, as micromanagement simply does not work anymore. Make sure you let them come up with their own schedules and even provide flexi time if you can. 

Practice Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement can make a huge difference to staff. You want to encourage them, motivate them, and reward them for their hard work. Constructive criticism is important, but so is giving them positive feedback that will further motivate them. How will you reward your team for working hard? Give them an incentive!

Staff Writer; Roy Jackson

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