Friday, July 26, 2024

Who cares about Uncle Joe, Son Hunter Biden’s strip-club escapades?

December 2, 2019 by  
Filed under Entertainment, News, Politics, Weekly Columns

( This is a news story? Hunter Biden apparently smoked crack? And did so in a strip club? How quintessentially American.

Wow! How are we expected to react to this “breaking” news? “We’ve got ‘im now,” or some such nonsense? Are we supposed to revel in someone else’s misfortune? Is that it?

We sound like the left!

I can see how some of these more right-leaning click-bait sites might post stuff like this. But how is this new groundbreaking morsel germane to anything, and why are respected conservative news sites at all interested in this tabloid garbage?

I first learned of the charge, that Hunter Biden smoked crack at Archibald’s, a strip club in the D.C area, from Fox News. Really? This is what they’ve stooped to? What is this – the National Enquirer?

Do we think there’s so much of a chance of Joe Biden beating President Trump in a head to head match-up that we have to stoop to this kind of crap?

Any thoughtful person would say that Biden will have his lunch money taken by Trump – that he doesn’t stand a chance. If this is the case, and it is, why stoop to yellow journalism?

Now, we all know Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and how real it is. When the term was first coined, it was just something fun to describe far-out leftists – the ones who literally cried when Hillary lost. But it has grown into a real, clinical affliction. We see it throughout the mainstream media on an hourly basis. Heck – minute to minute basis. Trump is almost literally all CNN talks about. It’s one thing to want to get rid of the president. We wanted both Clinton and Obama gone. But this TDS obsession goes way beyond. It’s a sickness – a real sickness.

However, we on the right, we conservatives, are thought to be more left-brained – thoughtful, analytical. We’re not supposed to be as susceptible to knee-jerk silliness as our right-brained counterparts.

Yet because our president, the man we support, and many at this point are heavily invested in (maybe too heavily), has been so brutally attacked for so many years now, we latch on to any gotcha headline that could smear one of the left’s own.

But why do we even care about Hunter Biden? He’s a 50-something, nobody who’s never done a thing but ride his daddy’s coattails. How does that warrant all this attention?

And really, haven’t many presidents had relatives they’re not exactly proud of?

You may not have liked Jimmy Carter, but he was a pretty buttoned-up guy. His brother Billy was the polar opposite – a beer-swilling mess. Remember Billy Beer?

Ron Reagan Jr. wasn’t exactly an asset to his father, President Ronaldus Magnus (h/t: Rush Limbaugh), and Roger Clinton seemed to have more problems than did Bill.

Heck, even James Madison had a ne’er-do-well stepson, John Payne Todd, whose gambling problem landed him in debtors’ prison. Yep, they still had debtors’ prisons back then. Good thing that went by the wayside or three-quarters of Americans would reside there.

Now if it were discovered that his Dad, lunch-pail Joe, joined in the merriment with son Hunter, this would be relevant. But no one is claiming that.

Joe Biden, in my opinion, is a crook, in the mold of a mob boss, but without all the killing and stuff. How about we stick to attacking him – check that – telling the truth about him and the other leftist candidates. How about we continue to educate the electorate so they won’t fall for all the left’s socialist bilge.

Let’s leave the yellow journalism to the left. They’re way better at it anyway.

Columnist; Brent Smith

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