Friday, July 26, 2024

Getting Used to Studying from Home.

April 15, 2020 by  
Filed under Education, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

( Many of us are currently living with a new kind of normal. Around half of the world’s population is living in some sort of lockdown, with restrictions on where they can go and when. Many are being encouraged to stay in their homes as much as they possibly can. For some, this means missing work, or finding ways to work from home, and if you are a student, while you can’t go into school right now, it might mean that you are learning at home, on your own, much more than usual. 

This might sound easy. Most of us are used to doing some coursework at home, and you may even have used video learning and online lectures in the past. But, it’s not the same as doing it all of the time. 

Suddenly finding yourself living as a full-time home learner can be a shock to the system, and once the initial joy of being able to work in your PJs from bed has worn off, you may find that you struggle to be productive. It’s important to remember that your education is still important. You are still working towards the same goals, and you may still be paying for your courses. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you adjust to home learning, enabling you to get more from the experience. 

Get into a Routine

When do you work best? Are you a night owl, that’s always struggling to get to morning classes? Or an early worm, that drifts off in those last lectures of the day? Or, do you work best in shorter spells, taking regular breaks to keep your energy levels up. 

This is your chance to work in a way that is right for you. Develop your own routine, experiment with working at different times, and keep an eye on your productivity levels. 

Write a Timetable

A timetable can help to keep you on track and make it easier to manage your time. Write something down, even if it is just a rough draft, to boost your productivity. But don’t be scared to make changes when you need to. 

Find the Best Resources

Your school may be sending work out, and even offering video lectures. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t use other resources too. You may find that learning about glycolysis in cells is confusing on paper, but a lot easier to understand in video format. Explore online resources, find appropriate ebooks and videos, and use as many mediums as you can. 

Reach Out for Help 

You might not be going to school, but that doesn’t mean that your tutors and classmates aren’t still around to offer support. Keep in touch as much as you can, and ask for help when you need it. 

Give Yourself a Break

You might not be working at your best right now, especially if you are suffering from anxiety and stress, or if you’ve had symptoms of COVID-19. Give yourself a break and take it easy if you need to. It’s ok!

Staff Writer; Mary Jackson

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