Friday, July 26, 2024

Why Your Business Might Not Be As Green As You Think It Is.

April 23, 2020 by  
Filed under Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

( You know the importance of going green, of course.

The world is in peril, thanks to environmental issues that threaten to topple the planet and all who live in it. By taking an environmentally friendly stance, you can do much to make a difference, not only to the world but to your business reputation too.

But while you might assume you have done enough to go green, it might be that you haven’t gone far enough. Here’s why.

#1: You are still taking your car to work

Car fumes are responsible for much of the pollution in the air today, so if you’re still using your car to get from A to B, then you are responsible for some of that damage. We aren’t only talking about your commute, as you might be using your car to attend business meetings too.

Solution: Start using your bike to come to work, or car share, as this means there will be one less exhaust pumping out noxious fumes. Use Skype or similar for your business meetings, as this will negate the need to travel more. And consider working from home too, as you can then cut out car travel altogether.

#2: You’re improperly disposing of your waste

If you’re in the food, manufacturing, or construction sectors, you could be disposing of potentially hazardous waste. These might enter the waters nearby if you’re emptying chemicals into the drains. And you might also be emptying your waste on local landfills instead of disposing of it properly, and so you might be polluting the air in your community.

Solution: Monitor your environmental impact by paying for testing. You might want to consult with marine research services to test nearby waters, for example. Click here for one such company. If you are causing damage, you should look for better ways to dispose of your waste. This might involve storing it in secure containers and paying for an authorized waste carrier to collect and dispose of your waste properly. Check with your local authority for their waste disposal guidelines too.

#3: You are still reliant on paper 

If you’re still reliant on paper, you are creating problems in several ways. Firstly, you might be creating a lot of paper waste, with documents that you casually discard, and leaflet drops that you pass around the local community. You will be using more electricity too, as you will be reliant on printers and photocopiers for document production processes. And because you will be using ink a lot, you might be adding plastic and ink remnants to your local landfills. None of this is good for the environment.

Solution: Go digital! By transferring your files to the cloud, you won’t need to be reliant on paper or ink. And instead of wasting paper for your marketing, use digital marketing methods to reach the community around you. 

So, ask yourself: Am I doing all that I can to go green in my business? We’re sure you’re doing plenty already, but if you have related to what we have suggested, it might be that you need to go the extra mile. Your business and the planet depends on it!

Staff Writer; Paul Jacobs

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