Friday, July 26, 2024

Innovative Ways to Make Money During the Pandemic.

( We’re living through completely unprecedented times. The spread of coronavirus, creating a worldwide pandemic, has taken the vast majority of us by surprise. At the start of the year, we had great plans for the twelve months ahead. We were in set routines with our day to day work, or we were seeking out roles and searching the job market with optimism. Just a couple of months later and countries around the world are implementing lockdown rules and health and safety guidelines with the aim of slowing the spread of Covid-19 and minimising the number of deaths that are resulting from it. We’re being asked to stay at home unless we’re key workers. This means only leaving to get essentials such as food or medication. Unsurprisingly, this has had a huge financial impact on many of us. If you’re struggling for money, it can be easy to feel at a bit of a loss when it comes to figuring how to get by financially right now. Here are a few steps you can take to tide yourself over until restrictions are lifted and you’re able to head back to work or pursue the job you were originally pursuing.

Be Aware of Government Help

The government is aware that people are struggling. This is why different measures are being put in place by different governments to help citizens with their financial struggles. Take a look at what your government has on offer. There may be help for you! Some are offering grants. Some are offering welfare payments. Some are paying employees’ salaries. Make sure to claim any help you’re entitled to. Most information you need will be easily accessible on your government’s official website!

Consider Key Worker Roles

If you’re still struggling, there’s increased demand for key workers on the job market. If you’re able to, you may land a job doing a task you’re not used to, but which can earn you money all the same. Many supermarkets are hiring, as they’re in need of more staff to stack shelves and operate checkouts. Farmers are hiring people to pick their fruit. Look at what’s available and if there’s anything suitable and safe, apply!

Consider an Online Career

Increasing numbers of people are making money online in ways previously unimagined. If you are able to, why not try your hand at becoming a social media influencer who could get paid for sponsored ads? Create a blog. If you get a good readership, you could be paid for sponsored posts and ads on your page. Try your hand at becoming a youtuber. You could invest in some video equipment and maybe even a drone from to capture footage people are interested in watching and, again, bagging sponsored ads! This, of course, could be a long game. But you never know. Some people take off overnight and with many people spending more time at home, browsing social media and youtube, you might just get the break you’ve been looking for!

Try Freelancing

Freelance work is another option that could generate you an income. If you have a skillset that you can use remotely, seek out clients and start building up a portfolio. Perhaps you can edit photos. Maybe you’re good at graphic design. Perhaps you’re a copywriter. Whatever your skill set, chances are you can make a fair amount of money from it. It could be a good idea to create your own website where people can browse your portfolio and book projects with you! Just make sure to register as self-employed before getting started. This will help to ensure that you can pay your tax properly at the end of the fiscal year.

These are just a few different ways that you could make money or bring in some sort of income that can help to tide you over during this pandemic. At the same time, you may enjoy these ventures. They’ll give you something to focus on and work at, helping you to be productive and feel fulfilment during a time where many of us are naturally feeling stressed, anxious, bored or lonely. All in all, it’s worth a try. We have a fair amount of time on our hands and relatively little to do, so it’s simple to invest your time into something that will help you and can potentially help others at the same time too!

Staff Writer; Rick Brown

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